37,809 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Maximum Set Cover with Path Constraints for Informative Path Planning

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    We pose a new formulation for informative path planning problems as a generalisation of the well-known maximum set cover problem. This new formulation adds path constraints and travel costs, as well as a probabilistic observation model, to the maximum set cover problem. Our motivation is informative path planning applications where the observation model can be naturally encoded as overlapping subsets of a set of discrete elements. These elements may include features, landmarks, regions, targets or more abstract quantities, that the robot aims to observe while moving through the environment with a given travel budget. This formulation allows directly modelling the dependencies of observations from different viewpoints. We show this problem is NP-hard and propose a branch and bound tree search algorithm. Simulated experiments empirically evaluate the bounding heuristics, several tree expansion policies and convergence rate towards optimal. The tree pruning allows finding optimal or bounded-approximate solutions in a reasonable amount of time, and therefore indicates our work is suitable for practical applications

    Informative Path Planning in Random Fields via Mixed Integer Programming

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    We present a new mixed integer formulation for the discrete informative path planning problem in random fields. The objective is to compute a budget constrained path while collecting measurements whose linear estimate results in minimum error over a finite set of prediction locations. The problem is known to be NP-hard. However, we strive to compute optimal solutions by leveraging advances in mixed integer optimization. Our approach is based on expanding the search space so we optimize not only over the collected measurement subset, but also over the class of all linear estimators. This allows us to formulate a mixed integer quadratic program that is convex in the continuous variables. The formulations are general and are not restricted to any covariance structure of the field. In simulations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach over previous branch and bound algorithms

    An evolutionary algorithm for online, resource constrained, multi-vehicle sensing mission planning

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    Mobile robotic platforms are an indispensable tool for various scientific and industrial applications. Robots are used to undertake missions whose execution is constrained by various factors, such as the allocated time or their remaining energy. Existing solutions for resource constrained multi-robot sensing mission planning provide optimal plans at a prohibitive computational complexity for online application [1],[2],[3]. A heuristic approach exists for an online, resource constrained sensing mission planning for a single vehicle [4]. This work proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based heuristic for the Correlated Team Orienteering Problem (CTOP) that is used for planning sensing and monitoring missions for robotic teams that operate under resource constraints. The heuristic is compared against optimal Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) solutions. Results show that the quality of the heuristic solution is at the worst case equal to the 5% optimal solution. The heuristic solution proves to be at least 300 times more time efficient in the worst tested case. The GA heuristic execution required in the worst case less than a second making it suitable for online execution.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Obstacle-aware Adaptive Informative Path Planning for UAV-based Target Search

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    Target search with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is relevant problem to many scenarios, e.g., search and rescue (SaR). However, a key challenge is planning paths for maximal search efficiency given flight time constraints. To address this, we propose the Obstacle-aware Adaptive Informative Path Planning (OA-IPP) algorithm for target search in cluttered environments using UAVs. Our approach leverages a layered planning strategy using a Gaussian Process (GP)-based model of target occupancy to generate informative paths in continuous 3D space. Within this framework, we introduce an adaptive replanning scheme which allows us to trade off between information gain, field coverage, sensor performance, and collision avoidance for efficient target detection. Extensive simulations show that our OA-IPP method performs better than state-of-the-art planners, and we demonstrate its application in a realistic urban SaR scenario.Comment: Paper accepted for International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2019) to be held at Montreal, Canad
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