7,218 research outputs found

    Exact solutions for the two- and all-terminal reliabilities of the Brecht-Colbourn ladder and the generalized fan

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    The two- and all-terminal reliabilities of the Brecht-Colbourn ladder and the generalized fan have been calculated exactly for arbitrary size as well as arbitrary individual edge and node reliabilities, using transfer matrices of dimension four at most. While the all-terminal reliabilities of these graphs are identical, the special case of identical edge (pp) and node (ρ\rho) reliabilities shows that their two-terminal reliabilities are quite distinct, as demonstrated by their generating functions and the locations of the zeros of the reliability polynomials, which undergo structural transitions at ρ=1/2\rho = \displaystyle {1/2}

    Energy-delay bounds analysis in wireless multi-hop networks with unreliable radio links

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    Energy efficiency and transmission delay are very important parameters for wireless multi-hop networks. Previous works that study energy efficiency and delay are based on the assumption of reliable links. However, the unreliability of the channel is inevitable in wireless multi-hop networks. This paper investigates the trade-off between the energy consumption and the end-to-end delay of multi-hop communications in a wireless network using an unreliable link model. It provides a closed form expression of the lower bound on the energy-delay trade-off for different channel models (AWGN, Raleigh flat fading and Nakagami block-fading) in a linear network. These analytical results are also verified in 2-dimensional Poisson networks using simulations. The main contribution of this work is the use of a probabilistic link model to define the energy efficiency of the system and capture the energy-delay trade-offs. Hence, it provides a more realistic lower bound on both the energy efficiency and the energy-delay trade-off since it does not restrict the study to the set of perfect links as proposed in earlier works

    Exact two-terminal reliability of some directed networks

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    The calculation of network reliability in a probabilistic context has long been an issue of practical and academic importance. Conventional approaches (determination of bounds, sums of disjoint products algorithms, Monte Carlo evaluations, studies of the reliability polynomials, etc.) only provide approximations when the network's size increases, even when nodes do not fail and all edges have the same reliability p. We consider here a directed, generic graph of arbitrary size mimicking real-life long-haul communication networks, and give the exact, analytical solution for the two-terminal reliability. This solution involves a product of transfer matrices, in which individual reliabilities of edges and nodes are taken into account. The special case of identical edge and node reliabilities (p and rho, respectively) is addressed. We consider a case study based on a commonly-used configuration, and assess the influence of the edges being directed (or not) on various measures of network performance. While the two-terminal reliability, the failure frequency and the failure rate of the connection are quite similar, the locations of complex zeros of the two-terminal reliability polynomials exhibit strong differences, and various structure transitions at specific values of rho. The present work could be extended to provide a catalog of exactly solvable networks in terms of reliability, which could be useful as building blocks for new and improved bounds, as well as benchmarks, in the general case