703 research outputs found

    Uniqueness of diffusion on domains with rough boundaries

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    Let Ω\Omega be a domain in Rd\mathbf R^d and h(φ)=∑k,l=1d(∂kφ,ckl∂lφ)h(\varphi)=\sum^d_{k,l=1}(\partial_k\varphi, c_{kl}\partial_l\varphi) a quadratic form on L2(Ω)L_2(\Omega) with domain Cc∞(Ω)C_c^\infty(\Omega) where the cklc_{kl} are real symmetric L∞(Ω)L_\infty(\Omega)-functions with C(x)=(ckl(x))>0C(x)=(c_{kl}(x))>0 for almost all x∈Ωx\in \Omega. Further assume there are a,δ>0a, \delta>0 such that a−1dΓδ I≤C≤a dΓδ Ia^{-1}d_\Gamma^{\delta}\,I\le C\le a\,d_\Gamma^{\delta}\,I for dΓ≤1d_\Gamma\le 1 where dΓd_\Gamma is the Euclidean distance to the boundary Γ\Gamma of Ω\Omega. We assume that Γ\Gamma is Ahlfors ss-regular and if ss, the Hausdorff dimension of Γ\Gamma, is larger or equal to d−1d-1 we also assume a mild uniformity property for Ω\Omega in the neighbourhood of one z∈Γz\in\Gamma. Then we establish that hh is Markov unique, i.e. it has a unique Dirichlet form extension, if and only if δ≥1+(s−(d−1))\delta\ge 1+(s-(d-1)). The result applies to forms on Lipschitz domains or on a wide class of domains with Γ\Gamma a self-similar fractal. In particular it applies to the interior or exterior of the von Koch snowflake curve in R2\mathbf R^2 or the complement of a uniformly disconnected set in Rd\mathbf R^d.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Monotonicity - analytic and geometric implications

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    In this expository article, we discuss various monotonicity formulas for parabolic and elliptic operators and explain how the analysis of the function spaces and the geometry of the underlining spaces are intertwined. After briefly discussing some of the well-known analytical applications of monotonicity for parabolic operators, we turn to their elliptic counterparts, their geometric meaning, and some geometric consequences

    Spatially independent martingales, intersections, and applications

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    We define a class of random measures, spatially independent martingales, which we view as a natural generalisation of the canonical random discrete set, and which includes as special cases many variants of fractal percolation and Poissonian cut-outs. We pair the random measures with deterministic families of parametrised measures {ηt}t\{\eta_t\}_t, and show that under some natural checkable conditions, a.s. the total measure of the intersections is H\"older continuous as a function of tt. This continuity phenomenon turns out to underpin a large amount of geometric information about these measures, allowing us to unify and substantially generalize a large number of existing results on the geometry of random Cantor sets and measures, as well as obtaining many new ones. Among other things, for large classes of random fractals we establish (a) very strong versions of the Marstrand-Mattila projection and slicing results, as well as dimension conservation, (b) slicing results with respect to algebraic curves and self-similar sets, (c) smoothness of convolutions of measures, including self-convolutions, and nonempty interior for sumsets, (d) rapid Fourier decay. Among other applications, we obtain an answer to a question of I. {\L}aba in connection to the restriction problem for fractal measures.Comment: 96 pages, 5 figures. v4: The definition of the metric changed in Section 8. Polishing notation and other small changes. All main results unchange

    The singular set of mean curvature flow with generic singularities

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    A mean curvature flow starting from a closed embedded hypersurface in Rn+1R^{n+1} must develop singularities. We show that if the flow has only generic singularities, then the space-time singular set is contained in finitely many compact embedded (n−1)(n-1)-dimensional Lipschitz submanifolds plus a set of dimension at most n−2n-2. If the initial hypersurface is mean convex, then all singularities are generic and the results apply. In R3R^3 and R4R^4, we show that for almost all times the evolving hypersurface is completely smooth and any connected component of the singular set is entirely contained in a time-slice. For 22 or 33-convex hypersurfaces in all dimensions, the same arguments lead to the same conclusion: the flow is completely smooth at almost all times and connected components of the singular set are contained in time-slices. A key technical point is a strong {\emph{parabolic}} Reifenberg property that we show in all dimensions and for all flows with only generic singularities. We also show that the entire flow clears out very rapidly after a generic singularity. These results are essentially optimal
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