3 research outputs found

    Bounded KDM Security from iO and OWF

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    To date, all constructions in the standard model (i.e., without random oracles) of Bounded Key-Dependent Message (KDM) secure (or even just circularly-secure) encryption schemes rely on specific assumptions (LWE, DDH, QR or DCR); all of these assumptions are known to imply the existence of collision-resistant hash functions. In this work, we demonstrate the existence of bounded KDM secure encryption assuming indistinguishability obfsucation for P/polyP/poly and just one-way functions. Relying on the recent result of Asharov and Segev (STOC\u2715), this yields the first construction of a Bounded KDM secure (or even circularly secure) encryption scheme from an assumption that provably does not imply collision-resistant hash functions w.r.t. black-box constructions. Combining this with prior constructions, we show how to augment this Bounded KDM scheme into a Bounded CCA2-KDM scheme

    Separating Semantic and Circular Security for Symmetric-Key Bit Encryption from the Learning with Errors Assumption

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    In this work we separate private-key semantic security from circular security using the Learning with Error assumption. Prior works used the less standard assumptions of multilinear maps or indistinguishability obfuscation. To achieve our results we develop new techniques for obliviously evaluating branching programs

    Toward Fine-Grained Blackbox Separations Between Semantic and Circular-Security Notions

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    We address the problems of whether t-circular-secure encryption can be based on (t-1)-circular-secure encryption or on semantic (CPA) security, if t = 1. While for t = 1 a folklore construction, based on CPA-secure encryption, can be used to build a 1-circular-secure encryption with the same secret-key and message space, no such constructions are known for the bit-encryption case, which is of particular importance in fully-homomorphic encryption. Also, for t≥2t \geq 2, all constructions of t-circular-secure encryption (bitwise or otherwise) are based on specific assumptions. We make progress toward these problems by ruling out all fully-blackbox constructions of -- 1-seed circular-secure public-key bit encryption from CPA-secure public-key encryption; -- t-seed circular-secure public-key encryption from (t-1)-seed circular-secure public-key encryption, for any t≥2t \geq 2. Informally, seed-circular security is a variant of the circular security notion in which the seed of the key-generation algorithm, instead of the secret key, is encrypted. We also show how to extend our first result to rule out a large and non-trivial class of constructions of 1-circular-secure bit encryption, which we dub key-isolating constructions. Our separation model follows that of Gertner, Malkin and Reingold (FOCS’01), which is a weaker separation model than that of Impagliazzo and Rudich