97 research outputs found

    Bottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points

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    With the advent of deep learning, object detection drifted from a bottom-up to a top-down recognition problem. State of the art algorithms enumerate a near-exhaustive list of object locations and classify each into: object or not. In this paper, we show that bottom-up approaches still perform competitively. We detect four extreme points (top-most, left-most, bottom-most, right-most) and one center point of objects using a standard keypoint estimation network. We group the five keypoints into a bounding box if they are geometrically aligned. Object detection is then a purely appearance-based keypoint estimation problem, without region classification or implicit feature learning. The proposed method performs on-par with the state-of-the-art region based detection methods, with a bounding box AP of 43.2% on COCO test-dev. In addition, our estimated extreme points directly span a coarse octagonal mask, with a COCO Mask AP of 18.9%, much better than the Mask AP of vanilla bounding boxes. Extreme point guided segmentation further improves this to 34.6% Mask AP

    Improving Object Detection from Scratch via Gated Feature Reuse

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    In this paper, we present a simple and parameter-efficient drop-in module for one-stage object detectors like SSD when learning from scratch (i.e., without pre-trained models). We call our module GFR (Gated Feature Reuse), which exhibits two main advantages. First, we introduce a novel gate-controlled prediction strategy enabled by Squeeze-and-Excitation to adaptively enhance or attenuate supervision at different scales based on the input object size. As a result, our model is more effective in detecting diverse sizes of objects. Second, we propose a feature-pyramids structure to squeeze rich spatial and semantic features into a single prediction layer, which strengthens feature representation and reduces the number of parameters to learn. We apply the proposed structure on DSOD and SSD detection frameworks, and evaluate the performance on PASCAL VOC 2007, 2012 and COCO datasets. With fewer model parameters, GFR-DSOD outperforms the baseline DSOD by 1.4%, 1.1%, 1.7% and 0.6%, respectively. GFR-SSD also outperforms the original SSD and SSD with dense prediction by 3.6% and 2.8% on VOC 2007 dataset. Code is available at: https://github.com/szq0214/GFR-DSOD .Comment: Accepted in BMVC 2019. Code: https://github.com/szq0214/GFR-DSO

    Mask Encoding for Single Shot Instance Segmentation

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    To date, instance segmentation is dominated by twostage methods, as pioneered by Mask R-CNN. In contrast, one-stage alternatives cannot compete with Mask R-CNN in mask AP, mainly due to the difficulty of compactly representing masks, making the design of one-stage methods very challenging. In this work, we propose a simple singleshot instance segmentation framework, termed mask encoding based instance segmentation (MEInst). Instead of predicting the two-dimensional mask directly, MEInst distills it into a compact and fixed-dimensional representation vector, which allows the instance segmentation task to be incorporated into one-stage bounding-box detectors and results in a simple yet efficient instance segmentation framework. The proposed one-stage MEInst achieves 36.4% in mask AP with single-model (ResNeXt-101-FPN backbone) and single-scale testing on the MS-COCO benchmark. We show that the much simpler and flexible one-stage instance segmentation method, can also achieve competitive performance. This framework can be easily adapted for other instance-level recognition tasks. Code is available at: https://git.io/AdelaiDetComment: Accepted to Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 202

    Learning from Noisy Anchors for One-stage Object Detection

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    State-of-the-art object detectors rely on regressing and classifying an extensive list of possible anchors, which are divided into positive and negative samples based on their intersection-over-union (IoU) with corresponding groundtruth objects. Such a harsh split conditioned on IoU results in binary labels that are potentially noisy and challenging for training. In this paper, we propose to mitigate noise incurred by imperfect label assignment such that the contributions of anchors are dynamically determined by a carefully constructed cleanliness score associated with each anchor. Exploring outputs from both regression and classification branches, the cleanliness scores, estimated without incurring any additional computational overhead, are used not only as soft labels to supervise the training of the classification branch but also sample re-weighting factors for improved localization and classification accuracy. We conduct extensive experiments on COCO, and demonstrate, among other things, the proposed approach steadily improves RetinaNet by ~2% with various backbones.Comment: CVPR 2020 camera read

    LightTrack: A Generic Framework for Online Top-Down Human Pose Tracking

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    In this paper, we propose a novel effective light-weight framework, called LightTrack, for online human pose tracking. The proposed framework is designed to be generic for top-down pose tracking and is faster than existing online and offline methods. Single-person Pose Tracking (SPT) and Visual Object Tracking (VOT) are incorporated into one unified functioning entity, easily implemented by a replaceable single-person pose estimation module. Our framework unifies single-person pose tracking with multi-person identity association and sheds first light upon bridging keypoint tracking with object tracking. We also propose a Siamese Graph Convolution Network (SGCN) for human pose matching as a Re-ID module in our pose tracking system. In contrary to other Re-ID modules, we use a graphical representation of human joints for matching. The skeleton-based representation effectively captures human pose similarity and is computationally inexpensive. It is robust to sudden camera shift that introduces human drifting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to propose an online human pose tracking framework in a top-down fashion. The proposed framework is general enough to fit other pose estimators and candidate matching mechanisms. Our method outperforms other online methods while maintaining a much higher frame rate, and is very competitive with our offline state-of-the-art. We make the code publicly available at: https://github.com/Guanghan/lighttrack.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 6 table

    Vid2Game: Controllable Characters Extracted from Real-World Videos

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    We are given a video of a person performing a certain activity, from which we extract a controllable model. The model generates novel image sequences of that person, according to arbitrary user-defined control signals, typically marking the displacement of the moving body. The generated video can have an arbitrary background, and effectively capture both the dynamics and appearance of the person. The method is based on two networks. The first network maps a current pose, and a single-instance control signal to the next pose. The second network maps the current pose, the new pose, and a given background, to an output frame. Both networks include multiple novelties that enable high-quality performance. This is demonstrated on multiple characters extracted from various videos of dancers and athletes

    End-to-End Wireframe Parsing

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    We present a conceptually simple yet effective algorithm to detect wireframes in a given image. Compared to the previous methods which first predict an intermediate heat map and then extract straight lines with heuristic algorithms, our method is end-to-end trainable and can directly output a vectorized wireframe that contains semantically meaningful and geometrically salient junctions and lines. To better understand the quality of the outputs, we propose a new metric for wireframe evaluation that penalizes overlapped line segments and incorrect line connectivities. We conduct extensive experiments and show that our method significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art wireframe and line extraction algorithms. We hope our simple approach can be served as a baseline for future wireframe parsing studies. Code has been made publicly available at https://github.com/zhou13/lcnn

    Vertebra-Focused Landmark Detection for Scoliosis Assessment

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    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a lifetime disease that arises in children. Accurate estimation of Cobb angles of the scoliosis is essential for clinicians to make diagnosis and treatment decisions. The Cobb angles are measured according to the vertebrae landmarks. Existing regression-based methods for the vertebra landmark detection typically suffer from large dense mapping parameters and inaccurate landmark localization. The segmentation-based methods tend to predict connected or corrupted vertebra masks. In this paper, we propose a novel vertebra-focused landmark detection method. Our model first localizes the vertebra centers, based on which it then traces the four corner landmarks of the vertebra through the learned corner offset. In this way, our method is able to keep the order of the landmarks. The comparison results demonstrate the merits of our method in both Cobb angle measurement and landmark detection on low-contrast and ambiguous X-ray images. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/yijingru/Vertebra-Landmark-Detection}.Comment: Accepted to ISBI202

    RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection

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    Modern object detectors rely heavily on rectangular bounding boxes, such as anchors, proposals and the final predictions, to represent objects at various recognition stages. The bounding box is convenient to use but provides only a coarse localization of objects and leads to a correspondingly coarse extraction of object features. In this paper, we present \textbf{RepPoints} (representative points), a new finer representation of objects as a set of sample points useful for both localization and recognition. Given ground truth localization and recognition targets for training, RepPoints learn to automatically arrange themselves in a manner that bounds the spatial extent of an object and indicates semantically significant local areas. They furthermore do not require the use of anchors to sample a space of bounding boxes. We show that an anchor-free object detector based on RepPoints can be as effective as the state-of-the-art anchor-based detection methods, with 46.5 AP and 67.4 AP50AP_{50} on the COCO test-dev detection benchmark, using ResNet-101 model. Code is available at https://github.com/microsoft/RepPoints.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 201

    SAIS: Single-stage Anchor-free Instance Segmentation

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    In this paper, we propose a simple yet efficientinstance segmentation approach based on the single-stage anchor-free detector, termed SAIS. In our approach, the instancesegmentation task consists of two parallel subtasks which re-spectively predict the mask coefficients and the mask prototypes.Then, instance masks are generated by linearly combining theprototypes with the mask coefficients. To enhance the quality ofinstance mask, the information from regression and classificationis fused to predict the mask coefficients. In addition, center-aware target is designed to preserve the center coordination ofeach instance, which achieves a stable improvement in instancesegmentation. The experiment on MS COCO shows that SAISachieves the performance of the exiting state-of-the-art single-stage methods with a much less memory footp
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