1 research outputs found

    Type I and Type II Bayesian Methods for Sparse Signal Recovery using Scale Mixtures

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    In this paper, we propose a generalized scale mixture family of distributions, namely the Power Exponential Scale Mixture (PESM) family, to model the sparsity inducing priors currently in use for sparse signal recovery (SSR). We show that the successful and popular methods such as LASSO, Reweighted β„“1\ell_1 and Reweighted β„“2\ell_2 methods can be formulated in an unified manner in a maximum a posteriori (MAP) or Type I Bayesian framework using an appropriate member of the PESM family as the sparsity inducing prior. In addition, exploiting the natural hierarchical framework induced by the PESM family, we utilize these priors in a Type II framework and develop the corresponding EM based estimation algorithms. Some insight into the differences between Type I and Type II methods is provided and of particular interest in the algorithmic development is the Type II variant of the popular and successful reweighted β„“1\ell_1 method. Extensive empirical results are provided and they show that the Type II methods exhibit better support recovery than the corresponding Type I methods.Comment: Under Revie