59,591 research outputs found

    Explainable Equivariant Neural Networks for Particle Physics: PELICAN

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    PELICAN is a novel permutation equivariant and Lorentz invariant or covariant aggregator network designed to overcome common limitations found in architectures applied to particle physics problems. Compared to many approaches that use non-specialized architectures that neglect underlying physics principles and require very large numbers of parameters, PELICAN employs a fundamentally symmetry group-based architecture that demonstrates benefits in terms of reduced complexity, increased interpretability, and raw performance. We present a comprehensive study of the PELICAN algorithm architecture in the context of both tagging (classification) and reconstructing (regression) Lorentz-boosted top quarks, including the difficult task of specifically identifying and measuring the WW-boson inside the dense environment of the Lorentz-boosted top-quark hadronic final state. We also extend the application of PELICAN to the tasks of identifying quark-initiated vs.~gluon-initiated jets, and a multi-class identification across five separate target categories of jets. When tested on the standard task of Lorentz-boosted top-quark tagging, PELICAN outperforms existing competitors with much lower model complexity and high sample efficiency. On the less common and more complex task of 4-momentum regression, PELICAN also outperforms hand-crafted, non-machine learning algorithms. We discuss the implications of symmetry-restricted architectures for the wider field of machine learning for physics.Comment: 52 pages, 34 figures, 12 table

    Deep Boosted Regression for MR to CT Synthesis

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    Attenuation correction is an essential requirement of positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction to allow for accurate quantification. However, attenuation correction is particularly challenging for PET-MRI as neither PET nor magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can directly image tissue attenuation properties. MRI-based computed tomography (CT) synthesis has been proposed as an alternative to physics based and segmentation-based approaches that assign a population-based tissue density value in order to generate an attenuation map. We propose a novel deep fully convolutional neural network that generates synthetic CTs in a recursive manner by gradually reducing the residuals of the previous network, increasing the overall accuracy and generalisability, while keeping the number of trainable parameters within reasonable limits. The model is trained on a database of 20 pre-acquired MRI/CT pairs and a four-fold random bootstrapped validation with a 80:20 split is performed. Quantitative results show that the proposed framework outperforms a state-of-the-art atlas-based approach decreasing the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) from 131HU to 68HU for the synthetic CTs and reducing the PET reconstruction error from 14.3% to 7.2%.Comment: Accepted at SASHIMI201

    Boosted Cascaded Convnets for Multilabel Classification of Thoracic Diseases in Chest Radiographs

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    Chest X-ray is one of the most accessible medical imaging technique for diagnosis of multiple diseases. With the availability of ChestX-ray14, which is a massive dataset of chest X-ray images and provides annotations for 14 thoracic diseases; it is possible to train Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) to build Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems. In this work, we experiment a set of deep learning models and present a cascaded deep neural network that can diagnose all 14 pathologies better than the baseline and is competitive with other published methods. Our work provides the quantitative results to answer following research questions for the dataset: 1) What loss functions to use for training DCNN from scratch on ChestX-ray14 dataset that demonstrates high class imbalance and label co occurrence? 2) How to use cascading to model label dependency and to improve accuracy of the deep learning model?Comment: Submitted to CVPR 201
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