11,416 research outputs found

    The multiplicative semigroup of a Dedekind domain

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    In 1995 Grillet defined the concept of a stratified semigroup and a stratified semigroup with zero. The present authors extended that idea to include semigroups with a more general base and proved, amongst other things, that finite semigroups in which the H-classes contain idempotents, are semilattices of stratified extensions of completely simple semigroups, and every strict stratified extension of a Clifford semigroup is a semilattice of stratified extensions of groups. We continue this work here by considering the multiplicative semigroup of Dedekind domains and show in particular that quotients of such rings have a multiplicative structure that is a (finite) Boolean algebra of stratified extensions of groups

    The square root law and structure of finite rings

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    Let RR be a finite ring and define the hyperbola H={(x,y)R×R:xy=1}H=\{(x,y) \in R \times R: xy=1 \}. Suppose that for a sequence of finite odd order rings of size tending to infinity, the following "square root law" bound holds with a constant C>0C>0 for all non-trivial characters χ\chi on R2R^2: (x,y)Hχ(x,y)CH. \left| \sum_{(x,y)\in H}\chi(x,y)\right|\leq C\sqrt{|H|}. Then, with a finite number of exceptions, those rings are fields. For rings of even order we show that there are other infinite families given by Boolean rings and Boolean twists which satisfy this square-root law behavior. We classify the extremal rings, those for which the left hand side of the expression above satisfies the worst possible estimate. We also describe applications of our results to problems in graph theory and geometric combinatorics. These results provide a quantitative connection between the square root law in number theory, Salem sets, Kloosterman sums, geometric combinatorics, and the arithmetic structure of the underlying rings

    On EQ-monoids

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    An EQ-monoid A is a monoid with distinguished subsemilattice L with 1 2 L and such that any a, b 2 A have a largest right equalizer in L. The class of all such monoids equipped with a binary operation that identifies this largest right equalizer is a variety. Examples include Heyting algebras, Cartesian products of monoids with zero, as well as monoids of relations and partial maps on sets. The variety is 0-regular (though not ideal determined and hence congruences do not permute), and we describe the normal subobjects in terms of a global semilattice structure. We give representation theorems for several natural subvarieties in terms of Boolean algebras, Cartesian products and partial maps. The case in which the EQmonoid is assumed to be an inverse semigroup with zero is given particular attention. Finally, we define the derived category associated with a monoid having a distinguished subsemilattice containing the identity (a construction generalising the idea of a monoid category), and show that those monoids for which this derived category has equalizers in the semilattice constitute a variety of EQ-monoids