1,007 research outputs found

    Altered Interactions

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    Surrounding materials, signage, and detritus on the daily path offer plenty to look at, if not too much. The eye seeks comfort in its passive vision by ignoring its peripheries. Identification of my personal vision reveals itself through the manipulation of ignored material. I consider hand-made vs. machine made, singular vs. the multiple particularly in plastics, packaging and other utilitarian objects. Industrial processes influence my one-person operation. Understanding the way objects are made allows for an opportunity to connect with them. I’m already surrounded by them, the least I can do is get to know them better

    Lean meat yield estimation using a prototype 3D imaging approach.

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    Lean Meat Yield (LMY, %) of carcass is an important industry trait, which currently is not routinely measured in Australian beef abattoirs. Objective on-line technology to determine LMY is key for wider adoption. This paper presents a proof-of-concept approach for estimating the LMY of beef carcasses from the 3D information provided by RGB-D cameras. Moreover, a specifically designed on-line data acquisition system for abattoir applications is presented, consisting of three cameras moving on a scanning rig to generate 3D carcass side reconstructions. The hindquarter is then segmented consistently across all the 3D models to extract curvature information and LMY estimated via non-linear regression based on Gaussian Process models. Sides from 119 carcasses at two different commercial abattoirs were used to evaluate this approach. Results from this preliminary study (RMSE = 3.91%, R2 = 0.69) using curvature, P8 fat and HSCW indicate that 3D imaging of beef carcasses is a viable and relatively accurate technology to estimate LMY

    Spartan Daily, November 13, 1959

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    Volume 47, Issue 37https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/3953/thumbnail.jp

    Vanishing (Disappearing) Bone Disease in children: a review

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    Vanishing bone disease is a very rare, peculiar destructive condition of the skeletal system resulting in spontaneous and progressive resorption and disappearance of osseous structures with replacement by vascular, fibrous connective tissue. Children and adolescents are most commonly affected, although patients ranging in age from 18 months to 40 years have been reported. Its clinical presentation is highly variable largely depending upon the site of skeletal involvement. The maxillofacial territory and upper extremity bones are the predominant sites affected by this ailment. The etio-pathogenesis of this condition still remains poorly understood, the natural history and prognosis is unpredictable. Radiographic findings associated with vanishing bone disorder are particularly dramatic and characterized by complete resorption and disappearance of the affected bone leading to the definition of “vanishing bone” or “disappearing bone disease.” Although various treatment options have been suggested, in general, no single treatment modality has proven effective in arresting this rare clinical entity. The present article provides an insight into the in-depth comprehensive review of literature pertaining to this fascinating musculoskeletal disorder in children

    Recording electrical activity from the brain of behaving octopus

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    : Octopuses, which are among the most intelligent invertebrates,1,2,3,4 have no skeleton and eight flexible arms whose sensory and motor activities are at once autonomous and coordinated by a complex central nervous system.5,6,7,8 The octopus brain contains a very large number of neurons, organized into numerous distinct lobes, the functions of which have been proposed based largely on the results of lesioning experiments.9,10,11,12,13 In other species, linking brain activity to behavior is done by implanting electrodes and directly correlating electrical activity with observed animal behavior. However, because the octopus lacks any hard structure to which recording equipment can be anchored, and because it uses its eight flexible arms to remove any foreign object attached to the outside of its body, in vivo recording of electrical activity from untethered, behaving octopuses has thus far not been possible. Here, we describe a novel technique for inserting a portable data logger into the octopus and implanting electrodes into the vertical lobe system, such that brain activity can be recorded for up to 12 h from unanesthetized, untethered octopuses and can be synchronized with simultaneous video recordings of behavior. In the brain activity, we identified several distinct patterns that appeared consistently in all animals. While some resemble activity patterns in mammalian neural tissue, others, such as episodes of 2 Hz, large amplitude oscillations, have not been reported. By providing an experimental platform for recording brain activity in behaving octopuses, our study is a critical step toward understanding how the brain controls behavior in these remarkable animals

    The Disjunction between Image and Space: The Representation of Imaginary Reality and Its Spatial Reconstruction

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 19. bis 22. April 2007 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Die Realität des Imaginären. Architektur und das digitale Bild

    The Invisible Meat Microcosmos - Investigations of Processed Meats\u27 Specific Spoilage Organisms

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    As humankind grows in population, so will our need to compete against bacterial populations which spoil foodstuffs before we are able to consume them. This dissertation aims to identify the bacterial communities responsible for meat spoilage, and the mechanisms that govern the behaviors of these organisms. The literature review summarizes the state of knowledge regarding factors that influence meat microbiome composition, and how analytical methods can influence research outcomes. Study 1 aimed to identify the impact of additional ingredients and processing steps on the microbial ecology of processed turkey products. The main specific spoilage organisms (SSOs) belonged to the orders Pseudomonadales, Enterobacteriales, and Lactobacillales. While thermal processing and subsequent contamination altered abundances of lactic acid bacteria, Pseudomonas spp. were observed in all samples, affirming their prevalence in products produced in the Loeffel Meat Laboratory. In an attempt to modulate raw turkey microbiomes away from rapid SSOs like pseudomonads, Study 2 utilized packaging systems with varying atmosphere compositions. While some packaging systems steered accumulation of greater abundances of lactic acid bacteria or Brochothrix, Pseudomonas spp. were still recovered from all samples and were a substantial portion of the microbial communities. This incessant microbe illustrates that starting material and processing environment play an important role in setting a microbiome prior to additional hurdles. We hypothesize that the processing environment, as a proxy effect of its geographic location, plays a role in establishing the meat microbiome. The problematic pseudomonads from the previous studies were then submitted for whole genome sequencing to gain insight into the genetic mechanisms that may allow their survival in low oxygen conditions is discussed in Chapter 4. Advisor: Gary A. Sulliva
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