2 research outputs found

    Towards an Enhanced Protocol for Improving Transactional Support in Interoperable Service Oriented Application-Based (SOA-Based) Systems

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    When using a shared database for distributed transactions, it is often difficult to connect business processes and softwarecomponents running on disparate platforms into a single transaction. For instance, one platform may add or update data, and thenanother platform later access the changed or added data. This severely limits transactional capabilities across platforms. Thissituation becomes more acute when concurrent transactions with interleaving operations spans across different applications andresources. Addressing this problem in an open, dynamic and distributed environment of web services poses special challenges,and still remains an open issue. Following the broad adoption and use of the standard Web Services Transaction Protocols,requirements have grown for the addition of extended protocols to handle problems that exist within the context of interoperableservice-oriented applications. Most extensions to the current standard WS-Transaction Protocols still lack proper mechanisms forerror-handling, concurrency control, transaction recovery, consolidation of multiple transaction calls into a single call, and securereporting and tracing for suspicious activities. In this research, we will first extend the current standard WS-TransactionFramework, and then propose an enhanced protocol (that can be deployed within the extended framework) to improvetransactional and security support for asynchronous applications in a distributed environment. A hybrid methodology whichincorporates service-oriented engineering and rapid application development will be used to develop a procurement system(which represents an interoperable service-oriented application) that integrates our proposed protocol. We will empiricallyevaluate and compare the performance of the enhanced protocol with other conventional distributed protocols (such as 2PL) interms of QoS parameters (throughput, response time, and resource utilization), availability of the application, databaseconsistency, and effect of locking on latency, among other factors.Keywords: Database, interoperability, security, concurrent transaction, web services, protocol, service-oriente


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    With the rapid growth of the wireless networking technology and mobile computing devices, there is an increasing demand for processing mobile database transactions in mission-critical applications such as disaster rescue and military operations that do not require a fixed infrastructure, so that mobile users can access and manipulate the database anytime and anywhere. A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile, wireless and battery-powered nodes without a fixed infrastructure; therefore it fits well in such applications. However, when a node runs out of energy or has insufficient energy to function, communication may fail, disconnections may happen, execution of transactions may be prolonged, and thus time-critical transactions may be aborted if they missed their deadlines. In order to guarantee timely and correct results for multiple concurrent transactions, energy-efficient database concurrency control (CC) techniques become critical. Due to the characteristics of MANET databases, existing CC algorithms cannot work effectively.In this dissertation, an energy-efficient CC algorithm, called Sequential Order with Dynamic Adjustment (SODA), is developed for mission-critical MANET databases in a clustered network architecture where nodes are divided into clusters, each of which has a node, called a cluster head, responsible for the processing of all nodes in the cluster. The cluster structure is constructed using a novel weighted clustering algorithm, called MEW (Mobility, Energy, and Workload), that uses node mobility, remaining energy and workload to group nodes into clusters and select cluster heads. In SODA, in order to conserve energy and balance energy consumption among servers so that the lifetime of the network is prolonged, cluster heads are elected to work as coordinating servers. SODA is based on optimistic CC to offer high transaction concurrency and avoid unbounded blocking time. It utilizes the sequential order of committed transactions to simplify the validation process and dynamically adjusts the sequential order of committed transactions to reduce transaction aborts and improve system throughput.Besides correctness proof and theoretical analysis, comprehensive simulation experiments were conducted to study the performance of MEW and SODA. The simulation results confirm that MEW prolongs the lifetime of MANETs and has a lower cluster head change rate and re-affiliation rate than the existing algorithm MOBIC. The simulation results also show the superiority of SODA over the existing techniques, SESAMO and S2PL, in terms of transaction abort rate, system throughput, total energy consumption by all servers, and degree of balancing energy consumption among servers