4 research outputs found

    Congestion probabilities in CDMA-based networks supporting batched Poisson traffic

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    We propose a new multirate teletraffic loss model for the calculation of time and call congestion probabilities in CDMA-based networks that accommodate calls of different serviceclasses whose arrival follows a batched Poisson process. The latter is more "peaked" and "bursty" than the ordinary Poisson process. The acceptance of calls in the system is based on the partial batch blocking discipline. This policy accepts a part of the batch (one or more calls) and discards the rest if the available resources are not enough to accept the whole batch. The proposed model takes into account the multiple access interference, the notion of local (soft) blocking, user’s activity and the interference cancellation. Although the analysis of the model does not lead to a product form solution of the steady state probabilities, we show that the calculation of the call-level performance metrics, time and call congestion probabilities, can be based on approximate but recursive formulas. The accuracy of the proposed formulas are verified through simulation and found to be quite satisfactory

    Performance analysis of CDMA-based networks with interference cancellation, for batched poisson traffic under the Bandwidth Reservation policy

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    CDMA-based technologies deserve assiduous analysis and evaluation. We study the performance, at call-level, of a CDMA cell with interference cancellation capabilities, while assuming that the cell accommodates different service-classes of batched Poisson arriving calls. The partial batch blocking discipline is applied for Call Admission Control (CAC). To guarantee certain Quality of Service (QoS) for each service-class, the Bandwidth Reservation (BR) policy is incorporated in the CAC; i.e., a fraction of system resources is reserved for high-speed service-classes. We propose a new multirate loss model for the calculation of time and call congestion probabilities. The notion of local (soft) and hard blocking, users activity, interference cancellation, as well as the BR policy, are incorporated in the model. Although the steady state probabilities of the system do not have a product form solution, time and call congestion probabilities can be efficiently determined via approximate but recursive formulas. Simulation verified the high accuracy of the new formulas. We also show the consistency of the proposed model in respect of its parameters, while comparison of the proposed model with that of Poisson input shows its necessity

    Blocking probabilities in a loss system with arrivals in geometrically distributed batches and heterogeneous service requirements

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    The authors analyze a generalization of the classical Erlang loss model. Customers of several types contend for access to a service facility consisting of a finite number of servers. Each customer requires a fixed number of servers simultaneously during an exponentially distributed service time, and is blocked on arrival if this requirement cannot be met. Customers of each type arrive in geometrically distributed batches, while the arrival of batches of each type is governed by a Poisson process. All relevant parameters may be type-dependent. The authors obtain the steady-state distribution of the number of customers of each type in the system (which turns out to have product form) and the blocking probabilities experienced by each customer type. In addition, the authors bring to light the connection between the model at hand and a method is proposed by L.E.N. Delbrouck (1983) for estimating blocking probabilities in an incompletely specified settin