4 research outputs found

    Efficient Mining Cluster Selection for Blockchain-based Cellular V2X Communications

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    Cellular vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is expected to herald the age of autonomous vehicles in the coming years. With the integration of blockchain in such networks, information of all granularity levels, from complete blocks to individual transactions, would be accessible to vehicles at any time. Specifically, the blockchain technology is expected to improve the security, immutability, and decentralization of cellular V2X communication through smart contract and distributed ledgers. Although blockchain-based cellular V2X networks hold promise, many challenges need to be addressed to enable the future interoperability and accessibility of such large-scale platforms. One such challenge is the offloading of mining tasks in cellular V2X networks. While transportation authorities may try to balance the network mining load, the vehicles may select the nearest mining clusters to offload a task. This may cause congestion and disproportionate use of vehicular network resources. To address this issue, we propose a game-theoretic approach for balancing the load at mining clusters while maintaining fairness among offloading vehicles. Keeping in mind the low-latency requirements of vehicles, we consider a finite channel blocklength transmission which is more practical compared to the use of infinite blocklength codes. The simulation results obtained with our proposed offloading framework show improved performance over the conventional nearest mining cluster selection technique.Comment: Blockchain, Cellular V2X Communications, Latency, Mining, Vehicular Network

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Spectrum Allocation in Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks

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    We develop a framework based on deep reinforce-ment learning (DRL) to solve the spectrum allocation problem inthe emerging integrated access and backhaul (IAB) architecturewith large scale deployment and dynamic environment. The avail-able spectrum is divided into several orthogonal sub-channels,and the donor base station (DBS) and all IAB nodes have thesame spectrum resource for allocation, where a DBS utilizes thosesub-channels for access links of associated user equipment (UE)as well as for backhaul links of associated IAB nodes, and anIAB node can utilize all for its associated UEs. This is one ofkey features in which 5G differs from traditional settings wherethe backhaul networks were designed independently from theaccess networks. With the goal of maximizing the sum log-rateof all UE groups, we formulate the spectrum allocation probleminto a mix-integer and non-linear programming. However, itis intractable to find an optimal solution especially when theIAB network is large and time-varying. To tackle this problem,we propose to use the latest DRL method by integrating anactor-critic spectrum allocation (ACSA) scheme and deep neuralnetwork (DNN) to achieve real-time spectrum allocation indifferent scenarios. The proposed methods are evaluated throughnumerical simulations and show promising results compared withsome baseline allocation policies

    Blockchains for Spectrum Management in Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    Regulatory radio spectrum management is evolving from traditional static frequency allocation and assignment schemes towards dynamic spectrum management and access schemes. This evolution is necessitated by a number of factors including underutilization of licensed spectrum bands, changing market and technological developments and increased demand for spectrum for emerging applications in multimedia communications, internet-of-things and fifth generation (5G) wireless networks. In simple terms dynamic spectrum management involves allowing unlicensed users known as secondary users (SUs) to access the licensed spectrum of a licensed user also known as primary user (PU). This is primarily achieved using spectrum sharing schemes that leverage spectrum database and cognitive radio techniques. However, the use of spectrum database and cognitive radio techniques faces reliability, security and privacy concerns for spectrum sharing. There is also a need to support other requirements of dynamic spectrum management such as secondary spectrum trading market and dynamic spectrum access coordination. In this work, we review the use of blockchains for enabling spectrum sharing and other aspects of dynamic spectrum management. The review covers the use of blockchain to record spectrum management information such as spectrum sensing results and spectrum auction transactions in a secure manner. The article also covers the use of smart contracts to support complex service-levelagreements (SLAs) between network operators which is key to supporting a self-organized secondary spectrum sharing market and enforcement of regulatory policies. A taxonomy of the intersection between blockchain and various concepts of dynamic spectrum management is also provide

    Bandcoin: Using Smart Contracts to Automate Mobile Network Bandwidth Roaming Agreements

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    We propose a new way to share licensed spectrum bandwidth capacity in mobile networks between operators, service providers and consumers using blockchain-based smart contracts. We discuss the foundational building blocks in the contract as well as various extensions to support more advanced features such as bulk purchases, future reservations, and various auction mechanisms. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the system can be implemented with an open-source, permissioned Enterprise blockchain, Hyperledger Sawtooth. We show that our smart contract implementation can improve blockchain transaction performance, by approximately four orders of magnitude compared to serial transactions and one order of magnitude compared to parallell transactions, using PKI-driven bulk purchases of mobile access grants, paving the way for fully automated, efficient, and fine-grained roaming agreements