13 research outputs found

    Blockchain-based Charging Coordination Mechanism for Smart Grid Energy Storage Units

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    Energy storage units (ESUs) enable several attractive features of modern smart grids such as enhanced grid resilience, effective demand response, and reduced bills. However, uncoordinated charging of ESUs stresses the power system and can lead to a blackout. On the other hand, existing charging coordination mechanisms suffer from several limitations. First, the need for a central charging coordinator (CC) presents a single point of failure that jeopardizes the effectiveness of the charging coordination. Second, a transparent charging coordination mechanism does not exist where users are not aware whether the CC is honest or not in coordination charging requests among them in a fair way. Third, existing mechanisms overlook the privacy concerns of the involved customers. To address these limitations, in this paper, we leverage the blockchain and smart contracts to build a decentralized charging coordination mechanism without the need for a centralized charging coordinator. First ESUs should use tokens for anonymously authenticate themselves to the blockchain. Then each ESU sends a charging request that contains its State-of-Charge (SoC), Time-to-complete-charge (TCC) and amount of required charging to the smart contract address on the blockchain. The smart contract will then run the charging coordination mechanism in a self-executed manner such that ESUs with the highest priorities are charged in the present time slot while charging requests of lower priority ESUs are deferred to future time slots. In this way, each ESU can make sure that charging schedules are computed correctly. Finally, we have implemented the proposed mechanism on the Ethereum test-bed blockchain, and our analysis shows that execution cost can be acceptable in terms of gas consumption while enabling decentralized charging coordination with increased transparency, reliability, and privacy preserving

    Privacy-Preserving Smart Parking System Using Blockchain and Private Information Retrieval

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    Searching for available parking spaces is a major problem for drivers especially in big crowded cities, causing traffic congestion and air pollution, and wasting drivers' time. Smart parking systems are a novel solution to enable drivers to have real-time parking information for pre-booking. However, current smart parking requires drivers to disclose their private information, such as desired destinations. Moreover, the existing schemes are centralized and vulnerable to the bottleneck of the single point of failure and data breaches. In this paper, we propose a distributed privacy-preserving smart parking system using blockchain. A consortium blockchain created by different parking lot owners to ensure security, transparency, and availability is proposed to store their parking offers on the blockchain. To preserve drivers' location privacy, we adopt a private information retrieval (PIR) technique to enable drivers to retrieve parking offers from blockchain nodes privately, without revealing which parking offers are retrieved. Furthermore, a short randomizable signature is used to enable drivers to reserve available parking slots in an anonymous manner. Besides, we introduce an anonymous payment system that cannot link drivers' to specific parking locations. Finally, our performance evaluations demonstrate that the proposed scheme can preserve drivers' privacy with low communication and computation overhead

    A Stealthy Hardware Trojan Exploiting the Architectural Vulnerability of Deep Learning Architectures: Input Interception Attack (IIA)

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    Deep learning architectures (DLA) have shown impressive performance in computer vision, natural language processing and so on. Many DLA make use of cloud computing to achieve classification due to the high computation and memory requirements. Privacy and latency concerns resulting from cloud computing has inspired the deployment of DLA on embedded hardware accelerators. To achieve short time-to-market and have access to global experts, state-of-the-art techniques of DLA deployment on hardware accelerators are outsourced to untrusted third parties. This outsourcing raises security concerns as hardware Trojans can be inserted into the hardware design of the mapped DLA of the hardware accelerator. We argue that existing hardware Trojan attacks highlighted in literature have no qualitative means how definite they are of the triggering of the Trojan. Also, most inserted Trojans show a obvious spike in the number of hardware resources utilized on the accelerator at the time of triggering the Trojan or when the payload is active. In this paper, we introduce a hardware Trojan attack called Input Interception Attack (IIA). In this attack, we make use of the statistical properties of layer-by-layer output to ensure that asides from being stealthy. Our IIA is able to trigger with some measure of definiteness. Moreover, this IIA attack is tested on DLA used to classify MNIST and Cifar-10 data sets. The attacked design utilizes approximately up to 2% more LUTs respectively compared to the un-compromised designs. Finally, this paper discusses potential defensive mechanisms that could be used to combat such hardware Trojans based attack in hardware accelerators for DLA

    A Scalable Multilabel Classification to Deploy Deep Learning Architectures For Edge Devices

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    Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) have performed well in many applications such as object detection, pattern recognition, video surveillance and so on. CNN carryout feature extraction on labelled data to perform classification. Multi-label classification assigns more than one label to a particular data sample in a data set. In multi-label classification, properties of a data point that are considered to be mutually exclusive are classified. However, existing multi-label classification requires some form of data pre-processing that involves image training data cropping or image tiling. The computation and memory requirement of these multi-label CNN models makes their deployment on edge devices challenging. In this paper, we propose a methodology that solves this problem by extending the capability of existing multi-label classification and provide models with lower latency that requires smaller memory size when deployed on edge devices. We make use of a single CNN model designed with multiple loss layers and multiple accuracy layers. This methodology is tested on state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms such as AlexNet, GoogleNet and SqueezeNet using the Stanford Cars Dataset and deployed on Raspberry Pi3. From the results the proposed methodology achieves comparable accuracy with 1.8x less MACC operation, 0.97x reduction in latency and 0.5x, 0.84x and 0.97x reduction in size for the generated AlexNet, GoogleNet and SqueezeNet CNN models respectively when compared to conventional ways of achieving multi-label classification like hard-coding multi-label instances into single labels. The methodology also yields CNN models that achieve 50\% less MACC operations, 50% reduction in latency and size of generated versions of AlexNet, GoogleNet and SqueezeNet respectively when compared to conventional ways using 2 different single-labelled models to achieve multi-label classification

    Practical Fast Gradient Sign Attack against Mammographic Image Classifier

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a topic of major research for many years. Especially, with the emergence of deep neural network (DNN), these studies have been tremendously successful. Today machines are capable of making faster, more accurate decision than human. Thanks to the great development of machine learning (ML) techniques, ML have been used many different fields such as education, medicine, malware detection, autonomous car etc. In spite of having this degree of interest and much successful research, ML models are still vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Attackers can manipulate clean data in order to fool the ML classifiers to achieve their desire target. For instance; a benign sample can be modified as a malicious sample or a malicious one can be altered as benign while this modification can not be recognized by human observer. This can lead to many financial losses, or serious injuries, even deaths. The motivation behind this paper is that we emphasize this issue and want to raise awareness. Therefore, the security gap of mammographic image classifier against adversarial attack is demonstrated. We use mamographic images to train our model then evaluate our model performance in terms of accuracy. Later on, we poison original dataset and generate adversarial samples that missclassified by the model. We then using structural similarity index (SSIM) analyze similarity between clean images and adversarial images. Finally, we show how successful we are to misuse by using different poisoning factors

    A Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Signcryption Scheme with Efficient Revocation for Smart Grid Downlink Communication

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    In this paper, we propose a multi-authority attribute-based signcryption scheme with efficient revocation for smart grid downlink communications. In the proposed scheme, grid operators and electricity vendors can send multicast messages securely to different groups of consumers which is required in different applications such as firmware update distribution and sending direct load control messages. Our scheme can ensure the confidentiality and the integrity of the multicasted messages, allows consumers to authenticate the source of the multicasted messages, achieves and non-repudiation property, and allows prompt revocation, simultaneously which are required for the smart grid downlink communications. Our security analysis demonstrates that the proposed scheme can thwart various security threats to the smart grid. Our experiments conducted on an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) testbed confirm that the proposed scheme has low computational overhead

    Expansion of Cyber Attack Data From Unbalanced Datasets Using Generative Techniques

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    Machine learning techniques help to understand patterns of a dataset to create a defense mechanism against cyber attacks. However, it is difficult to construct a theoretical model due to the imbalances in the dataset for discriminating attacks from the overall dataset. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) technique will provide improvement in accuracy and increase the performance of detecting the attack and benign data from a balanced dataset. We have worked on the UGR'16 dataset publicly available for this work. Data wrangling has been done due to prepare test set from in the original set. We fed the neural network classifier larger input to the neural network in an increasing manner (i.e. 10000, 50000, 1 million) to see the distribution of features over the accuracy. We have implemented a GAN model that can produce samples of different attack labels (e.g. blacklist, anomaly spam, ssh scan). We have been able to generate as many samples as necessary based on the data sample we have taken from the UGR'16. We have tested the accuracy of our model with the imbalance dataset initially and then with the increasing the attack samples and found improvement of classification performance for the latter

    On Sharing Models Instead of Data using Mimic learning for Smart Health Applications

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    Electronic health records (EHR) systems contain vast amounts of medical information about patients. These data can be used to train machine learning models that can predict health status, as well as to help prevent future diseases or disabilities. However, getting patients' medical data to obtain well-trained machine learning models is a challenging task. This is because sharing the patients' medical records is prohibited by law in most countries due to patients privacy concerns. In this paper, we tackle this problem by sharing the models instead of the original sensitive data by using the mimic learning approach. The idea is first to train a model on the original sensitive data, called the teacher model. Then, using this model, we can transfer its knowledge to another model, called the student model, without the need to learn the original data used in training the teacher model. The student model is then shared to the public and can be used to make accurate predictions. To assess the mimic learning approach, we have evaluated our scheme using different medical datasets. The results indicate that the student model mimics the teacher model performance in terms of prediction accuracy without the need to access to the patients' original data records.Comment: This paper is accepted in IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies (ICIoT'20

    Optimizing Joint Probabilistic Caching and Channel Access for Clustered D2D Networks

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    Caching at mobile devices and leveraging device-to-device (D2D) communication are two promising approaches to support massive content delivery over wireless networks. Analysis of such D2D caching networks based on a physical interference model is usually carried out by assuming uniformly distributed devices. However, this approach does not capture the notion of device clustering. In this regard, this paper proposes a joint communication and caching optimization framework for clustered D2D networks. Devices are spatially distributed into disjoint clusters and are assumed to have a surplus memory that is utilized to proactively cache files, following a random probabilistic caching scheme. The cache offloading gain is maximized by jointly optimizing channel access and caching scheme. A closed-form caching solution is obtained and bisection search method is adopted to heuristically obtain the optimal channel access probability. Results show significant improvement in the offloading gain reaching up to 10% compared to the Zipf caching baseline.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1810.0551

    Performance Analysis of Mobile Cellular-Connected Drones under Practical Antenna Configurations

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    Providing seamless connectivity to unmanned aerial vehicle user equipments (UAV-UEs) is very challenging due to the encountered line-of-sight interference and reduced gains of down-tilted base station (BS) antennas. For instance, as the altitude of UAV-UEs increases, their cell association and handover procedure become driven by the side-lobes of the BS antennas. In this paper, the performance of cellular-connected UAV-UEs is studied under 3D practical antenna configurations. Two scenarios are studied: scenarios with static, hovering UAV- UEs and scenarios with mobile UAV-UEs. For both scenarios, the UAV-UE coverage probability is characterized as a function of the system parameters. The effects of the number of antenna elements on the UAV-UE coverage probability and handover rate of mobile UAV-UEs are then investigated. Results reveal that the UAV-UE coverage probability under a practical antenna pattern is worse than that under a simple antenna model. Moreover, vertically-mobile UAV-UEs are susceptible to altitude handover due to consecutive crossings of the nulls and peaks of the antenna side-lobes