4 research outputs found

    AquaSAM: Underwater Image Foreground Segmentation

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    The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has revolutionized natural image segmentation, nevertheless, its performance on underwater images is still restricted. This work presents AquaSAM, the first attempt to extend the success of SAM on underwater images with the purpose of creating a versatile method for the segmentation of various underwater targets. To achieve this, we begin by classifying and extracting various labels automatically in SUIM dataset. Subsequently, we develop a straightforward fine-tuning method to adapt SAM to general foreground underwater image segmentation. Through extensive experiments involving eight segmentation tasks like human divers, we demonstrate that AquaSAM outperforms the default SAM model especially at hard tasks like coral reefs. AquaSAM achieves an average Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 7.13 (%) improvement and an average of 8.27 (%) on mIoU improvement in underwater segmentation tasks

    Domain Fingerprints for No-reference Image Quality Assessment

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    Human fingerprints are detailed and nearly unique markers of human identity. Such a unique and stable fingerprint is also left on each acquired image. It can reveal how an image was degraded during the image acquisition procedure and thus is closely related to the quality of an image. In this work, we propose a new no-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) approach called domain-aware IQA (DA-IQA), which for the first time introduces the concept of domain fingerprint to the NR-IQA field. The domain fingerprint of an image is learned from image collections of different degradations and then used as the unique characteristics to identify the degradation sources and assess the quality of the image. To this end, we design a new domain-aware architecture, which enables simultaneous determination of both the distortion sources and the quality of an image. With the distortion in an image better characterized, the image quality can be more accurately assessed, as verified by extensive experiments, which show that the proposed DA-IQA performs better than almost all the compared state-of-the-art NR-IQA methods.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT

    DeepFL-IQA: Weak Supervision for Deep IQA Feature Learning

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    Multi-level deep-features have been driving state-of-the-art methods for aesthetics and image quality assessment (IQA). However, most IQA benchmarks are comprised of artificially distorted images, for which features derived from ImageNet under-perform. We propose a new IQA dataset and a weakly supervised feature learning approach to train features more suitable for IQA of artificially distorted images. The dataset, KADIS-700k, is far more extensive than similar works, consisting of 140,000 pristine images, 25 distortions types, totaling 700k distorted versions. Our weakly supervised feature learning is designed as a multi-task learning type training, using eleven existing full-reference IQA metrics as proxies for differential mean opinion scores. We also introduce a benchmark database, KADID-10k, of artificially degraded images, each subjectively annotated by 30 crowd workers. We make use of our derived image feature vectors for (no-reference) image quality assessment by training and testing a shallow regression network on this database and five other benchmark IQA databases. Our method, termed DeepFL-IQA, performs better than other feature-based no-reference IQA methods and also better than all tested full-reference IQA methods on KADID-10k. For the other five benchmark IQA databases, DeepFL-IQA matches the performance of the best existing end-to-end deep learning-based methods on average.Comment: dataset url: http://database.mmsp-kn.d

    Underwater image quality assessment: subjective and objective methods

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    Underwater image enhancement plays a critical role in marine industry. Various algorithms are applied to enhance underwater images, but their performance in terms of perceptual quality has been little studied. In this paper, we investigate five popular enhancement algorithms and their output image quality. To this end, we have created a benchmark, including images enhanced by different algorithms and ground truth image quality obtained by human perception experiments. We statistically analyse the impact of various enhancement algorithms on the perceived quality of underwater images. Also, the visual quality provided by these algorithms is evaluated objectively, aiming to inform the development of objective metrics for automatic assessment of the quality for underwater image enhancement. The image quality benchmark and its objective metric are made publicly available