5 research outputs found

    Blind nonnegative source separation using biological neural networks

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    Blind source separation, i.e. extraction of independent sources from a mixture, is an important problem for both artificial and natural signal processing. Here, we address a special case of this problem when sources (but not the mixing matrix) are known to be nonnegative, for example, due to the physical nature of the sources. We search for the solution to this problem that can be implemented using biologically plausible neural networks. Specifically, we consider the online setting where the dataset is streamed to a neural network. The novelty of our approach is that we formulate blind nonnegative source separation as a similarity matching problem and derive neural networks from the similarity matching objective. Importantly, synaptic weights in our networks are updated according to biologically plausible local learning rules.Comment: Accepted for publication in Neural Computatio

    A Spiking Neural Network with Local Learning Rules Derived From Nonnegative Similarity Matching

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    The design and analysis of spiking neural network algorithms will be accelerated by the advent of new theoretical approaches. In an attempt at such approach, we provide a principled derivation of a spiking algorithm for unsupervised learning, starting from the nonnegative similarity matching cost function. The resulting network consists of integrate-and-fire units and exhibits local learning rules, making it biologically plausible and also suitable for neuromorphic hardware. We show in simulations that the algorithm can perform sparse feature extraction and manifold learning, two tasks which can be formulated as nonnegative similarity matching problems.Comment: ICASSP 201

    On the achievability of blind source separation for high-dimensional nonlinear source mixtures

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    For many years, a combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) has been used for blind source separation (BSS). However, it remains unclear why these linear methods work well with real-world data that involve nonlinear source mixtures. This work theoretically validates that a cascade of linear PCA and ICA can solve a nonlinear BSS problem accurately---when the sensory inputs are generated from hidden sources via the nonlinear mapping with sufficient dimensionality. Our proposed theorem, termed the asymptotic linearization theorem, theoretically guarantees that applying linear PCA to the inputs can reliably extract a subspace spanned by the linear projections from every hidden source as the major components---and thus projecting the inputs onto their major eigenspace can effectively recover a linear transformation of the hidden sources. Then, subsequent application of linear ICA can separate all the true independent hidden sources accurately. Zero-element-wise-error nonlinear BSS is asymptotically attained when the source dimensionality is large and the input dimensionality is larger than the source dimensionality. Our proposed theorem is validated analytically and numerically. Moreover, the same computation can be performed by using Hebbian-like plasticity rules, implying the biological plausibility of this nonlinear BSS strategy. Our results highlight the utility of linear PCA and ICA for accurately and reliably recovering nonlinearly mixed sources---and further suggest the importance of employing sensors with sufficient dimensionality to identify true hidden sources of real-world data

    Neuroscience-inspired online unsupervised learning algorithms

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    Although the currently popular deep learning networks achieve unprecedented performance on some tasks, the human brain still has a monopoly on general intelligence. Motivated by this and biological implausibility of deep learning networks, we developed a family of biologically plausible artificial neural networks (NNs) for unsupervised learning. Our approach is based on optimizing principled objective functions containing a term that matches the pairwise similarity of outputs to the similarity of inputs, hence the name - similarity-based. Gradient-based online optimization of such similarity-based objective functions can be implemented by NNs with biologically plausible local learning rules. Similarity-based cost functions and associated NNs solve unsupervised learning tasks such as linear dimensionality reduction, sparse and/or nonnegative feature extraction, blind nonnegative source separation, clustering and manifold learning.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Signal Processing Magazin

    Contrastive Similarity Matching for Supervised Learning

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    We propose a novel biologically-plausible solution to the credit assignment problem motivated by observations in the ventral visual pathway and trained deep neural networks. In both, representations of objects in the same category become progressively more similar, while objects belonging to different categories become less similar. We use this observation to motivate a layer-specific learning goal in a deep network: each layer aims to learn a representational similarity matrix that interpolates between previous and later layers. We formulate this idea using a contrastive similarity matching objective function and derive from it deep neural networks with feedforward, lateral, and feedback connections, and neurons that exhibit biologically-plausible Hebbian and anti-Hebbian plasticity. Contrastive similarity matching can be interpreted as an energy-based learning algorithm, but with significant differences from others in how a contrastive function is constructed