7 research outputs found

    Manifold Gradient Descent Solves Multi-Channel Sparse Blind Deconvolution Provably and Efficiently

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    Multi-channel sparse blind deconvolution, or convolutional sparse coding, refers to the problem of learning an unknown filter by observing its circulant convolutions with multiple input signals that are sparse. This problem finds numerous applications in signal processing, computer vision, and inverse problems. However, it is challenging to learn the filter efficiently due to the bilinear structure of the observations with the respect to the unknown filter and inputs, as well as the sparsity constraint. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on nonconvex optimization over the sphere manifold by minimizing a smooth surrogate of the sparsity-promoting loss function. It is demonstrated that manifold gradient descent with random initializations will provably recover the filter, up to scaling and shift ambiguity, as soon as the number of observations is sufficiently large under an appropriate random data model. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed method with comparisons to existing ones.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Identifiability Conditions for Compressive Multichannel Blind Deconvolution

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    In applications such as multi-receiver radars and ultrasound array systems, the observed signals can often be modeled as a linear convolution of an unknown signal which represents the transmit pulse and sparse filters which describe the sparse target scenario. The problem of identifying the unknown signal and the sparse filters is a sparse multichannel blind deconvolution (MBD) problem and is in general ill-posed. In this paper, we consider the identifiability problem of sparse-MBD and show that, similar to compressive sensing, it is possible to identify the sparse filters from compressive measurements of the output sequences. Specifically, we consider compressible measurements in the Fourier domain and derive identifiability conditions in a deterministic setup. Our main results demonstrate that LL-sparse filters can be identified from 2L22L^2 Fourier measurements from only two coprime channels. We also show that 2L2L measurements per channel are necessary. The sufficient condition sharpens as the number of channels increases asymptotically in the number of channels, it suffices to acquire on the order of LL Fourier samples per channel. We also propose a kernel-based sampling scheme that acquires Fourier measurements from a commensurate number of time samples. We discuss the gap between the sufficient and necessary conditions through numerical experiments including comparing practical reconstruction algorithms. The proposed compressive MBD results require fewer measurements and fewer channels for identifiability compared to previous results, which aids in building cost-effective receivers.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Blind Gain and Phase Calibration via Sparse Spectral Methods

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