2,198 research outputs found

    Modelling of Metallurgical Processes Using Chaos Theory and Hybrid Computational Intelligence

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    The main objective of the present work is to develop a framework for modelling and controlling of a real world multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) continuously drifting metallurgical process, which is shown to be a complex system. A small change in the properties of the charge composition may lead to entirely different outcome of the process. The newly emerging paradigm of soft-computing or Hybrid Computational Intelligence Systems approach which is based on neural networks, fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms and chaos theory has been applied to tackle this problem In this framework first a feed-forward neuro-model has been developed based on the data collected from a working Submerged Arc Furnace (SAF). Then the process is analysed for the existence of the chaos with the chaos theory (calculating indices like embedding dimension, Lyapunov exponent etc). After that an effort is made to evolve a fuzzy logic controller for the dynamical process using combination of genetic algorithms and the neural networks based forward model to predict the system’s behaviour or conditions in advance and to further suggest modifications to be made to achieve the desired results

    Depth estimation of inner wall defects by means of infrared thermography

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    There two common methods dealing with interpreting data from infrared thermography: qualitatively and quantitatively. On a certain condition, the first method would be sufficient, but for an accurate interpretation, one should undergo the second one. This report proposes a method to estimate the defect depth quantitatively at an inner wall of petrochemical furnace wall. Finite element method (FEM) is used to model multilayer walls and to simulate temperature distribution due to the existence of the defect. Five informative parameters are proposed for depth estimation purpose. These parameters are the maximum temperature over the defect area (Tmax-def), the average temperature at the right edge of the defect (Tavg-right), the average temperature at the left edge of the defect (Tavg-left), the average temperature at the top edge of the defect (Tavg-top), and the average temperature over the sound area (Tavg-so). Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was trained with these parameters for estimating the defect depth. Two ANN architectures, Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) network were trained for various defect depths. ANNs were used to estimate the controlled and testing data. The result shows that 100% accuracy of depth estimation was achieved for the controlled data. For the testing data, the accuracy was above 90% for the MLP network and above 80% for the RBF network. The results showed that the proposed informative parameters are useful for the estimation of defect depth and it is also clear that ANN can be used for quantitative interpretation of thermography data

    A neural network approach to the modeling of blast furnace

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-69).by Angela X. Ge.M.Eng

    Optimization of Blast Furnace Parameters using Artificial Neural Network

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    Inside the blast furnace (BF) the process is very complicated and very tough to model mathematically. Blast furnace is the heart of the steel industry as it produces molten pig iron which is the raw material for steel making. It is very important to minimise the operational cost, reduce fuel consumption, and optimise the overall efficiency of the blast furnace and also improve the productivity of the blast furnace. Therefore a multi input multi output (MIMO) artificial neural network (ANN) model has been developed to predict the parameters namely raceway adiabatic flame temperature (RAFT), shaft temperature and uptake temperature. The input parameters in the ANN model are oxygen enrichment, blast volume, blast pressure, top gas pressure, hot blast temperature (HBT), steam injection rate, stove cooler inlet temperature, & stove cooler outlet temperature. For the optimisation of the predictive output back propagation ANN model has been introduced. In this present work, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been used to predict and optimise the output parameters. All the input data were collected from Rourkela steel plant (RSP) of blast number IV during the one month of operation

    Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Silicon Content in the Hot Metal Produced in a Blast Furnace Fueled by Metallurgical Coke

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    The main production route for cast iron and steel is through the blast furnace. The silicon content in cast iron is an important indicator of the thermal condition of a blast furnace. High silicon contents indicate an increase in the furnace\u2019s thermal input and, in some cases, may indicate an excess of coke in the reactor. As coke costs predominate in the production of cast iron, tighter control of the silicon content therefore has economic advantages. The main objective of this article was to design an artificial neural network to predict the silicon content in hot metal, varying the number of neurons in the hidden layer by 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 170 and 200 neurons. In general, all neural networks showed excellent results, with the network with 30 neurons showing the best results among the 12 modeled networks. The validation of the models was confirmed using the Mean Square Error (MSE) and Pearson\u2019s correlation coefficient. The cross-validation technique was used to re-evaluate the performance of neural networks. In short, neural networks can be used in practical operations due to the excellent correlations between the real values and those calculated by the neural network

    Prediction of silicon content in the hot metal using Bayesian networks and probabilistic reasoning

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    The blast furnace is the principal method of producing cast iron. In the production of cast iron, the control of silicon is vital because this impurity is harmful to almost all steels. Artificial neural networks with Bayesian regularization are more robust than traditional back-propagation networks and can reduce or eliminate the need for tedious cross-validation. Bayesian regularization is a mathematical process that converts a nonlinear regression into a "well-posed" statistical problem in the manner of ridge regression. The main objective of this work was to develop an artificial neural network to predict silicon content in hot metal by varying the number of neurons in the hidden layer by 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, and 100 neurons. The results show that all neural networks converged and presented reliable results, neural networks with 20, 25, and 30 neurons showed the best overall results. However, In short, Bayesian neural networks can be used in practice because the actual values correlate excellently with the values calculated by the neural network


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    A multilevel resource-saving blast furnace process control is considered. The resource-saving control is provided for operating, adaptation, technical and economic control in the automated systems of blast-furnace processes.It is proposed to form optimal operation modes of blast furnace heating, metal charge structures, natural gas and oxygen consumption. Decisions are made using Kohonen neural networks taking into account current and planned parameters of coke quality, iron ore, raw materials and blast.At the level of operating control, the work suggests a model predictive control to improve the resource conservation indicators. The method is based on decomposition of the general problem of the process dynamics identification on particular problems: dynamic synchronization and identification of process transfer functions.At the level of adaptive control, optimal operating modes of blast furnaces are expedient to be developed with respect to blast furnace heating, structure of metal charge, natural gas and oxygen rate considering the current and planned parameters of coke, blasting. The blast furnace operating modes are suggested to be determined based on Kohonen neural networks.In evaluating the efficiency of introducing the model predictive control, the existing actual statistics of scatter of BF mode parameters should be based upon. The fact is that the introduction of model predictive control assumes no radical change of the BF melt technology. Like in all the control systems, the BF process is considered as the set control object with all its characteristics. Changing process settings, raw material content does not introduce any cardinal variation in the scatter of process characteristics. However, in this case a transient process occurs which is necessary for the control system to identify the changing conditions. The transient process is inherent to all the control systems and the blast furnace process is not an exclusion. As a result of transient process, the control system is set to the optimal mode.Рассмотрены вопросы построения многоуровневого ресурсосберегающего управления доменным процессом. Ресурсосберегающее управление целесообразно выполнять на основе внедрения автоматизированной системы для оперативного, адаптивного и технико-экономического управления доменным процессом.На уровне адаптивного управления целесообразно осуществлять формирование оптимальных режимов работы доменных печей по нагреву печей, структуре металлошихты, расходу природного газа, кислорода с учетом текущих и планируемых параметров качества кокса, железорудного сырья, дутья. Определение режимов работы доменной печи предлагается осуществлять на основе нейронных сетей Кохонена.На уровне оперативного управления в работе предложен метод модельно-упреждающего управления, повышающий показатели эффективности использования ресурсов. Метод основан на декомпозиции общей задачи определения динамических характеристик сложных технологических процессов на частные задачи динамической синхронизации и идентификации передаточных свойств. Для решения сложных задач идентификации предложено использовать искусственные нейронные сети.При оценке эффективности введения модельно-упреждающего управления необходимо исходить из существующей реальной статистики разброса режимных параметров доменного процесса. Дело в том, что введение модельно-упреждающего управления не предполагает коренной смены технологии доменной плавки. Как и во всех системах управления, здесь доменный процесс рассматривается как заданный объект управления со всеми своими характеристиками. Изменение уставок процесса, состава сырья не вносит кардинального изменения в разброс характеристик процесса. Однако при этом возникает переходный процесс, необходимый системе управления для идентификации изменившихся условий. Переходный процесс присущ всем системам управления, и доменный процесс не является исключением. В результате переходного процесса система управления настраивается на оптимальный режим

    Modeling and control of complex dynamic systems: Applied mathematical aspects

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    The concept of complex dynamic systems arises in many varieties, including the areas of energy generation, storage and distribution, ecosystems, gene regulation and health delivery, safety and security systems, telecommunications, transportation networks, and the rapidly emerging research topics seeking to understand and analyse. Such systems are often concurrent and distributed, because they have to react to various kinds of events, signals, and conditions. They may be characterized by a system with uncertainties, time delays, stochastic perturbations, hybrid dynamics, distributed dynamics, chaotic dynamics, and a large number of algebraic loops. This special issue provides a platform for researchers to report their recent results on various mathematical methods and techniques for modelling and control of complex dynamic systems and identifying critical issues and challenges for future investigation in this field. This special issue amazingly attracted one-hundred-and eighteen submissions, and twenty-eight of them are selected through a rigorous review procedure

    application of echo state neural networks to forecast blast furnace gas production pave the way to off gas optimized management

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    Abstract The efficient use of resources is a relevant research topic for integrated steelworks. Process off-gases, such as the ones produced during blast furnace operation, are valid substitutes of natural gas, as they are sources of a considerable amount of energy. Currently they are recovered but sometimes part of such gas is flared due to non-optimal management of such resource. In order to exploit the off-gases produced in an integrated steelworks, the interactions between gas producers and users in the whole gas network need to be considered. The paper describes a model exploited by a Decision Support Tool that is under development within a European project. Such model forecasts the blast furnace gas amount and its heating power by obtaining an error between 3 and 7 % in a time horizon of 2 hours. The forecasted values of blast furnace gas allow a continuous optimal planning of the blast furnace gas usage according to its availability and to the needs in the steelworks, by avoiding losses of a valuable secondary resource and related emissions

    Forecast of Carbon Consumption of a Blast Furnace Using Extreme Learning Machine and Probabilistic Reasoning

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    Blast furnaces are chemical metallurgical reactors for the production of pig iron and slag. The raw materials used (metallic feedstock) are sinter, granulated ore and pellets. The main fuel is metallurgical coke. Considering the existing difficulties in the field of simulation of complex processes, the application of solutions based on neural networks has gained space due to its diversity of application and increase in the reliability of responses. The Extreme Learning Machine is a way to train an artificial neural network (ANN) with only one hidden layer. The database used for numerical simulation corresponds to 3.5 years of reactor operation. Big Data contains 94875 pieces of information divided into 75 variables. The input of the ELM neural network is composed of 72 variables and the output of 3 variables. The selected output variables were coke rate, PCI rate and fuel rate. Artificial neural networks using extreme learning machines and using Big Data are able to predict fuel consumption based on the parameters of the reduction process in blast furnaces, and this can be verified by the accuracy of the model