1,190 research outputs found

    Real Time Image Saliency for Black Box Classifiers

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    In this work we develop a fast saliency detection method that can be applied to any differentiable image classifier. We train a masking model to manipulate the scores of the classifier by masking salient parts of the input image. Our model generalises well to unseen images and requires a single forward pass to perform saliency detection, therefore suitable for use in real-time systems. We test our approach on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets and show that the produced saliency maps are easily interpretable, sharp, and free of artifacts. We suggest a new metric for saliency and test our method on the ImageNet object localisation task. We achieve results outperforming other weakly supervised methods

    Grad-CAM++: Improved Visual Explanations for Deep Convolutional Networks

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    Over the last decade, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models have been highly successful in solving complex vision problems. However, these deep models are perceived as "black box" methods considering the lack of understanding of their internal functioning. There has been a significant recent interest in developing explainable deep learning models, and this paper is an effort in this direction. Building on a recently proposed method called Grad-CAM, we propose a generalized method called Grad-CAM++ that can provide better visual explanations of CNN model predictions, in terms of better object localization as well as explaining occurrences of multiple object instances in a single image, when compared to state-of-the-art. We provide a mathematical derivation for the proposed method, which uses a weighted combination of the positive partial derivatives of the last convolutional layer feature maps with respect to a specific class score as weights to generate a visual explanation for the corresponding class label. Our extensive experiments and evaluations, both subjective and objective, on standard datasets showed that Grad-CAM++ provides promising human-interpretable visual explanations for a given CNN architecture across multiple tasks including classification, image caption generation and 3D action recognition; as well as in new settings such as knowledge distillation.Comment: 17 Pages, 15 Figures, 11 Tables. Accepted in the proceedings of IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV2018). Extended version is under review at IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    DExT: Detector Explanation Toolkit

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    State-of-the-art object detectors are treated as black boxes due to their highly non-linear internal computations. Even with unprecedented advancements in detector performance, the inability to explain how their outputs are generated limits their use in safety-critical applications. Previous work fails to produce explanations for both bounding box and classification decisions, and generally make individual explanations for various detectors. In this paper, we propose an open-source Detector Explanation Toolkit (DExT) which implements the proposed approach to generate a holistic explanation for all detector decisions using certain gradient-based explanation methods. We suggests various multi-object visualization methods to merge the explanations of multiple objects detected in an image as well as the corresponding detections in a single image. The quantitative evaluation show that the Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) is more faithfully explained compared to other detectors regardless of the explanation methods. Both quantitative and human-centric evaluations identify that SmoothGrad with Guided Backpropagation (GBP) provides more trustworthy explanations among selected methods across all detectors. We expect that DExT will motivate practitioners to evaluate object detectors from the interpretability perspective by explaining both bounding box and classification decisions.Comment: 24 pages, with appendix. 1st World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence camera read

    DExT:Detector Explanation Toolkit

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    State-of-the-art object detectors are treated as black boxes due to their highly non-linear internal computations. Even with unprecedented advancements in detector performance, the inability to explain how their outputs are generated limits their use in safety-critical applications. Previous work fails to produce explanations for both bounding box and classification decisions, and generally make individual explanations for various detectors. In this paper, we propose an open-source Detector Explanation Toolkit (DExT) which implements the proposed approach to generate a holistic explanation for all detector decisions using certain gradient-based explanation methods. We suggests various multi-object visualization methods to merge the explanations of multiple objects detected in an image as well as the corresponding detections in a single image. The quantitative evaluation show that the Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) is more faithfully explained compared to other detectors regardless of the explanation methods. Both quantitative and human-centric evaluations identify that SmoothGrad with Guided Backpropagation (GBP) provides more trustworthy explanations among selected methods across all detectors. We expect that DExT will motivate practitioners to evaluate object detectors from the interpretability perspective by explaining both bounding box and classification decisions