1 research outputs found

    Generalized Goncarov polynomials

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    We introduce the sequence of generalized Gon\v{c}arov polynomials, which is a basis for the solutions to the Gon\v{c}arov interpolation problem with respect to a delta operator. Explicitly, a generalized Gon\v{c}arov basis is a sequence (tn(x))n0(t_n(x))_{n \ge 0} of polynomials defined by the biorthogonality relation εzi(di(tn(x)))=n!   ⁣δi,n\varepsilon_{z_i}(\mathfrak d^{i}(t_n(x))) = n! \;\! \delta_{i,n} for all i,nNi,n \in \mathbf N, where d\mathfrak d is a delta operator, Z=(zi)i0\mathcal Z = (z_i)_{i \ge 0} a sequence of scalars, and εzi\varepsilon_{z_i} the evaluation at ziz_i. We present algebraic and analytic properties of generalized Gon\v{c}arov polynomials and show that such polynomial sequences provide a natural algebraic tool for enumerating combinatorial structures with a linear constraint on their order statistics.Comment: 24 pp., 2 figure