3 research outputs found

    Flattening Few Mode Fiber Laser Source Based on PMF and Loop Mirror in a Ring Cavity Resonator

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    Abstract: A multi-wavelength source using a hybrid amplifier comprised of a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) and an Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) in a ring fiber laser set up is proposed. Multi-wavelength sources are less expensive and more efficient than deploying several laser diodes at different wavelengths. They are also compact, spend low energy, and emit low heat than multiple laser diode systems. A polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) and an interference comb filter are used in conjunction with the suggested few mode fiber laser source to create higer than 14 wavelength around -28 dBm at a SOA by current near 300 mA and a 980 nm pump power of 95 mW. This source is designed by a combined of EDFA and SOA presented in this report. By altering the birefringence of the ring cavity used as a loop mirror and changing the angle of the plates of the polarization controllers, the number of wavelengths produced may be managed. The suggested fiber laser operates at room temperature and has a constant channel spacing of 0.8 nm, making it appropriate for fiber communication and sensing applications

    Bismuth erbium-doped fiber based multi-wavelength laser assisted by four-wave mixing process

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    We demonstrate for the first time a multi-wavelength laser based on a bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber (Bi-EDF) assisted by a four-wave mixing (FWM) process. Using a simple linear cavity resonator scheme containing a 49 cm long highly nonlinear Bi-EDF, we obtained about 8 lines of optical comb with a line spacing of approximately 0.52 nm at the maximum 1480 nm pump power of 160 mW

    Bismuth erbium-doped fiber based multi-wavelength laser assisted by four-wave mixing process

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