25 research outputs found

    Distributed Markovian Bisimulation Reduction aimed at CSL Model Checking

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    The verification of quantitative aspects like performance and dependability by means of model checking has become an important and vivid area of research over the past decade.\ud \ud An important result of that research is the logic CSL (continuous stochastic logic) and its corresponding model checking algorithms. The evaluation of properties expressed in CSL makes it necessary to solve large systems of linear (differential) equations, usually by means of numerical analysis. Both the inherent time and space complexity of the numerical algorithms make it practically infeasible to model check systems with more than 100 million states, whereas realistic system models may have billions of states.\ud \ud To overcome this severe restriction, it is important to be able to replace the original state space with a probabilistically equivalent, but smaller one. The most prominent equivalence relation is bisimulation, for which also a stochastic variant exists (Markovian bisimulation). In many cases, this bisimulation allows for a substantial reduction of the state space size. But, these savings in space come at the cost of an increased time complexity. Therefore in this paper a new distributed signature-based algorithm for the computation of the bisimulation quotient of a given state space is introduced.\ud \ud To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in both a sequential, and more important, in a distributed setting, we have performed a number of case studies

    Formal analysis techniques for gossiping protocols

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    We give a survey of formal verification techniques that can be used to corroborate existing experimental results for gossiping protocols in a rigorous manner. We present properties of interest for gossiping protocols and discuss how various formal evaluation techniques can be employed to predict them

    Extending the Logic IM-SPDL with Impulse and State Rewards

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    This report presents the logic SDRL (Stochastic Dynamic Reward Logic), an extension of the stochastic logic IM-SPDL, which supports the specication of complex performance and dependability requirements. SDRL extends IM-SPDL with the possibility to express impulse- and state reward measures.\ud The logic is interpreted over extended action-based Markov reward model (EMRM), i.e. transition systems containing both immediate and Markovian transitions, where additionally the states and transitions can be enriched with rewards.\ud We define ne the syntax and semantics of the new logic and show that SDRL provides powerful means to specify path-based properties with timing and reward-based restrictions.\ud In general, paths can be characterised by regular expressions, also called programs, where the executability of a program may depend on the validity of test formulae. For the model checking of SDRL time- and reward-bounded path formulae, a deterministic program automaton is constructed from the requirement. Afterwards the product transition\ud system between this automaton and the EMRM is built and subsequently transformed into a continuous time Markov reward model (MRM) on which numerical\ud analysis is performed.\u

    Probabilistic Model-Based Safety Analysis

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    Model-based safety analysis approaches aim at finding critical failure combinations by analysis of models of the whole system (i.e. software, hardware, failure modes and environment). The advantage of these methods compared to traditional approaches is that the analysis of the whole system gives more precise results. Only few model-based approaches have been applied to answer quantitative questions in safety analysis, often limited to analysis of specific failure propagation models, limited types of failure modes or without system dynamics and behavior, as direct quantitative analysis is uses large amounts of computing resources. New achievements in the domain of (probabilistic) model-checking now allow for overcoming this problem. This paper shows how functional models based on synchronous parallel semantics, which can be used for system design, implementation and qualitative safety analysis, can be directly re-used for (model-based) quantitative safety analysis. Accurate modeling of different types of probabilistic failure occurrence is shown as well as accurate interpretation of the results of the analysis. This allows for reliable and expressive assessment of the safety of a system in early design stages

    SPDL Model Checking via Property-Driven State Space Generation

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    In this report we describe how both, memory and time requirements for stochastic model checking of SPDL (stochastic propositional dynamic logic) formulae can significantly be reduced. SPDL is the stochastic extension of the multi-modal program logic PDL.\ud SPDL provides means to specify path-based properties with or without timing restrictions. Paths can be characterised by so-called programs, essentially regular expressions, where the executability can be made dependent on the validity of test formulae. For model-checking SPDL path formulae it is necessary to build a product transition system (PTS)\ud between the system model and the program automaton belonging to the path formula that is to be verified.\ud In many cases, this PTS can be drastically reduced during the model checking procedure, as the program restricts the number of potentially satisfying paths. Therefore, we propose an approach that directly generates the reduced PTS from a given SPA specification and an SPDL path formula.\ud The feasibility of this approach is shown through a selection of case studies, which show enormous state space reductions, at no increase in generation time.\u

    Efficient Syntax-Driven Lumping of Differential Equations

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    We present an algorithm to compute exact aggregations of a class of systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Our approach consists in an extension of Paige and Tarjan’s seminal solution to the coarsest refinement problem by encoding an ODE system into a suitable discrete-state representation. In particular, we consider a simple extension of the syntax of elementary chemical reaction networks because (i) it can express ODEs with derivatives given by polynomials of degree at most two, which are relevant in many applications in natural sciences and engineering; and (ii) we can build on two recently introduced bisimulations, which yield two complementary notions of ODE lumping. Our algorithm computes the largest bisimulations in O(r⋅s⋅logs)O(r⋅s⋅log⁡s) time, where r is the number of monomials and s is the number of variables in the ODEs. Numerical experiments on real-world models from biochemistry, electrical engineering, and structural mechanics show that our prototype is able to handle ODEs with millions of variables and monomials, providing significant model reductions

    Algorithms for Game Metrics

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    Simulation and bisimulation metrics for stochastic systems provide a quantitative generalization of the classical simulation and bisimulation relations. These metrics capture the similarity of states with respect to quantitative specifications written in the quantitative {\mu}-calculus and related probabilistic logics. We first show that the metrics provide a bound for the difference in long-run average and discounted average behavior across states, indicating that the metrics can be used both in system verification, and in performance evaluation. For turn-based games and MDPs, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for the computation of the one-step metric distance between states. The algorithm is based on linear programming; it improves on the previous known exponential-time algorithm based on a reduction to the theory of reals. We then present PSPACE algorithms for both the decision problem and the problem of approximating the metric distance between two states, matching the best known algorithms for Markov chains. For the bisimulation kernel of the metric our algorithm works in time O(n^4) for both turn-based games and MDPs; improving the previously best known O(n^9\cdot log(n)) time algorithm for MDPs. For a concurrent game G, we show that computing the exact distance between states is at least as hard as computing the value of concurrent reachability games and the square-root-sum problem in computational geometry. We show that checking whether the metric distance is bounded by a rational r, can be done via a reduction to the theory of real closed fields, involving a formula with three quantifier alternations, yielding O(|G|^O(|G|^5)) time complexity, improving the previously known reduction, which yielded O(|G|^O(|G|^7)) time complexity. These algorithms can be iterated to approximate the metrics using binary search.Comment: 27 pages. Full version of the paper accepted at FSTTCS 200

    Counterexample Generation in Probabilistic Model Checking

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    Providing evidence for the refutation of a property is an essential, if not the most important, feature of model checking. This paper considers algorithms for counterexample generation for probabilistic CTL formulae in discrete-time Markov chains. Finding the strongest evidence (i.e., the most probable path) violating a (bounded) until-formula is shown to be reducible to a single-source (hop-constrained) shortest path problem. Counterexamples of smallest size that deviate most from the required probability bound can be obtained by applying (small amendments to) k-shortest (hop-constrained) paths algorithms. These results can be extended to Markov chains with rewards, to LTL model checking, and are useful for Markov decision processes. Experimental results show that typically the size of a counterexample is excessive. To obtain much more compact representations, we present a simple algorithm to generate (minimal) regular expressions that can act as counterexamples. The feasibility of our approach is illustrated by means of two communication protocols: leader election in an anonymous ring network and the Crowds protocol