2 research outputs found

    A bound on judicious bipartitions of directed graphs

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    Judicious partitioning problems on graphs ask for partitions that bound several quantities simultaneously, which have received a lot of attentions lately. Scott asked the following natural question: What is the maximum constant cdc_d such that every directed graph DD with mm arcs and minimum outdegree dd admits a bipartition V(D)=V1βˆͺV2V(D)= V_1\cup V_2 satisfying min⁑{e(V1,V2),e(V2,V1)}β‰₯cdm\min\{e(V_1, V_2), e(V_2, V_1)\}\ge c_d m? Here, for i=1,2i=1,2, e(Vi,V3βˆ’i)e(V_{i},V_{3-i}) denotes the number of arcs in DD from ViV_{i} to V3βˆ’iV_{3-i}. Lee, Loh, and Sudakov %[Judicious partitions of directed graphs, Random Struct. Alg. 48 %(2016) 147--170] conjectured that every directed graph DD with mm arcs and minimum outdegree at least dβ‰₯2d\ge 2 admits a bipartition V(D)=V1βˆͺV2V(D)=V_1\cup V_2 such that min⁑{e(V1,V2),e(V2,V1)}β‰₯(dβˆ’12(2dβˆ’1)+o(1))m. \min\{e(V_1,V_2),e(V_2,V_1)\}\geq \Big(\frac{d-1}{2(2d-1)}+ o(1)\Big)m. %While it is not known whether or not the minimum outdegree condition %alone is sufficient, w We show that this conjecture holds under the additional natural condition that the minimum indegree is also at least dd.Comment: 16 page

    Partitioning digraphs with outdegree at least 4

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    Scott asked the question of determining cdc_d such that if DD is a digraph with mm arcs and minimum outdegree dβ‰₯2d\ge 2 then V(D)V(D) has a partition V1,V2V_1, V_2 such that min⁑{e(V1,V2),e(V2,V1)}β‰₯cdm\min\left\{e(V_1,V_2),e(V_2, V_1)\right\}\geq c_dm, where e(V1,V2)e(V_1,V_2) (respectively, e(V2,V1)e(V_2,V_1)) is the number of arcs from V1V_1 to V2V_2 (respectively, from V2V_2 to V1V_1). Lee, Loh, and Sudakov showed that c2=1/6+o(1)c_2=1/6+o(1) and c3=1/5+o(1)c_3=1/5+o(1), and conjectured that cd=dβˆ’12(2dβˆ’1)+o(1)c_d= \frac{d-1}{2(2d-1)}+o(1) for dβ‰₯4d\ge 4. In this paper, we show c4=3/14+o(1)c_4=3/14+o(1) and prove some partial results for dβ‰₯5d\ge 5.Comment: 18 page