4 research outputs found

    Online Machine Learning Algorithms Review and Comparison in Healthcare

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    Currently, the healthcare industry uses Big Data for essential patient care information. Electronic Health Records (EHR) store massive data and are continuously updated with information such as laboratory results, medication, and clinical events. There are various methods by which healthcare data is generated and collected, including databases, healthcare websites, mobile applications, wearable technologies, and sensors. The continuous flow of data will improve healthcare service, medical diagnostic research and, ultimately, patient care. Thus, it is important to implement advanced data analysis techniques to obtain more precise prediction results.Machine Learning (ML) has acquired an important place in Big Healthcare Data (BHD). ML has the capability to run predictive analysis, detect patterns or red flags, and connect dots to enhance personalized treatment plans. Because predictive models have dependent and independent variables, ML algorithms perform mathematical calculations to find the best suitable mathematical equations to predict dependent variables using a given set of independent variables. These model performances depend on datasets and response, or dependent, variable types such as binary or multi-class, supervised or unsupervised.The current research analyzed incremental, or streaming or online, algorithm performance with offline or batch learning (these terms are used interchangeably) using performance measures such as accuracy, model complexity, and time consumption. Batch learning algorithms are provided with the specific dataset, which always constrains the size of the dataset depending on memory consumption. In the case of incremental algorithms, data arrive sequentially, which is determined by hyperparameter optimization such as chunk size, tree split, or hoeffding bond. The model complexity of an incremental learning algorithm is based on a number of parameters, which in turn determine memory consumption

    The effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms and metabolic substrates on the cellular distribution of mammalian BK channels.

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    Humans are approximately 99% similar with inter-individual differences caused in part by single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which poses a challenge for the effective treatment of disease. Bioinformatics resources can help to store and analyse gene and protein information to address this challenge, however these resources have limitations, so the collation and biocuration of gene and protein information is required. Using the large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium channel, also known as the Big Potassium (BK) channel as an example, due to its ubiquitous expression and widespread varied role in human physiology, this study aimed to prioritise SNPs with the potential to affect the function of the channel. Using a BK channel resource created with bioinformatics tools and published literature, mSlo SNPs H55Q and G57A, located in the S0-S1 linker, were prioritised and selected for lab-based verification. These SNPs flank three cysteine residues proven to modulate channel cellular distribution via palmitoylation, a reversible process shown to increase protein association with the cell membrane. The SNPs alter the predicted palmitoylation status of C56, one of the cysteine residues located in the S0-S1 linker. The cellular distribution of BK channels incorporating the SNPs was assessed using confocal microscopy and revealed that the direction and magnitude of SNP mimetic cell membrane expression was closely related to the C56 predicted palmitoylation score; a 'C56 palmitoylation pattern' was observed. It was shown that exposure to metabolic substrates glucose, palmitate and oleate modulated SNP-mimetic cellular distribution and could invert the 'C56 palmitoylation pattern', indicating that there is interplay between the metabolic status of the cell and the amino-acid composition of the channel via palmitoylation. The creation of a novel BK channel resource in this thesis highlighted the limitations, and inter-dependency of bioinformatics and lab based experimentation, whilst SNP verification experiments solidified the link between S0-S1 cysteine residues and BK cellular distribution. BK channel function is linked with a number of physiological processes; thus, the potential clinical consequences of the SNPs prioritised in this thesis require further research

    Biomedical informatics with optimization and machine learning

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