40 research outputs found

    Binary relevance efficacy for multilabel classification

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    The goal of multilabel (ML) classi cation is to induce models able to tag objects with the labels that better describe them. The main baseline for ML classi- cation is Binary Relevance (BR), which is commonly criticized in the literature because of its label independence assumption. Despite this fact, this paper discusses some interesting properties of BR, mainly that it produces optimal models for several ML loss functions. Additionally, we present an analytical study about ML benchmarks datasets, pointing out some shortcomings. As a result, this paper proposes the use of synthetic datasets to better analyze the behavior of ML methods in domains with di erent characteristics. To support this claim, we perform some experiments using synthetic data proving the competitive performance of BR with respect to a more complex method in di cult problems with many labels, a conclusion which was not stated by previous studie

    F-measure Maximization in Multi-Label Classification with Conditionally Independent Label Subsets

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    We discuss a method to improve the exact F-measure maximization algorithm called GFM, proposed in (Dembczynski et al. 2011) for multi-label classification, assuming the label set can be can partitioned into conditionally independent subsets given the input features. If the labels were all independent, the estimation of only mm parameters (mm denoting the number of labels) would suffice to derive Bayes-optimal predictions in O(m2)O(m^2) operations. In the general case, m2+1m^2+1 parameters are required by GFM, to solve the problem in O(m3)O(m^3) operations. In this work, we show that the number of parameters can be reduced further to m2/nm^2/n, in the best case, assuming the label set can be partitioned into nn conditionally independent subsets. As this label partition needs to be estimated from the data beforehand, we use first the procedure proposed in (Gasse et al. 2015) that finds such partition and then infer the required parameters locally in each label subset. The latter are aggregated and serve as input to GFM to form the Bayes-optimal prediction. We show on a synthetic experiment that the reduction in the number of parameters brings about significant benefits in terms of performance

    Deep Learning-Based Decision Region for MIMO Detection

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    In this work, a deep learning-based symbol detection method is developed for multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We demonstrate that the linear threshold-based detection methods, which were designed for AWGN channels, are suboptimal in the context of MIMO fading channels. Furthermore, we propose a MIMO detection framework which replaces the linear thresholds with decision boundaries trained with neural network (NN) classifiers. The symbol error rate (SER) performance of the proposed detection model is compared against conventional methods under state-of-the-art system parameters. Here, we report to up to a 2 dB gain in SER performance using the proposed NN classifiers, allowing for exploiting higher-order modulation schemes, or transmitting with reduced power. The underlying gain in performance may be further enhanced from improvements to the NN architecture and hyper-parameter optimization

    Classification supervisée multi-étiquette en actes de dialogue: analyse discriminante et transformations de Schoenberg

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    Abstract This work studies the multi-label classification of turns in simple English Wikipedia talk pages into dialog acts. The treated dataset was created and multi-labeled by (Ferschke et al., 2012). The first part analyses dependences between labels, in order to examine the annotation coherence and to determine a classification method. Then, a multi-label classification is computed, after transforming the problem into binary relevance. Regarding features, whereas (Ferschke et al., 2012) use features such as uni-, bi-, and trigrams, time distance between turns or the indentation level of the turn, other features are considered here: lemmas, part-of-speech tags and the meaning of verbs (according to WordNet). The dataset authors applied approaches such as Naive Bayes or Support Vector Machines. The present paper proposes, as an alternative, to use Schoenberg transformations which, following the example of kernel methods, transform original Euclidean distances into other Euclidean distances, in a space of high dimensionality. Résumé Ce travail étudie la classification supervisée multi-étiquette en actes de dialogue des tours de parole des contributeurs aux pages de discussion de Simple English Wikipedia (Wikipédia en anglais simple). Le jeu de données considéré a été créé et multi-étiqueté par (Ferschke et al., 2012). Une première partie analyse les relations entre les étiquettes pour examiner la cohérence des annotations et pour déterminer une méthode de classification. Ensuite, une classification supervisée multi-étiquette est effectuée, après recodage binaire des étiquettes. Concernant les variables, alors que (Ferschke et al., 2012) utilisent des caractéristiques telles que les uni-, bi- et trigrammes, le temps entre les tours de parole ou l'indentation d'un tour de parole, d'autres descripteurs sont considérés ici : les lemmes, les catégories morphosyntaxiques et le sens des verbes (selon WordNet). Les auteurs du jeu de données ont employé des approches telles que le Naive Bayes ou les Séparateurs à Vastes Marges (SVM) pour la classification. Cet article propose, de façon alternative, d'utiliser et d'étendre l'analyse discriminante linéaire aux transformations de Schoenberg qui, à l'instar des méthodes à noyau, transforment les distances euclidiennes originales en d'autres distances euclidiennes, dans un espace de haute dimensionnalité