2 research outputs found

    The Internet of Things: A Main Source of Big Data Analytics

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    IoT is regarded as a platform or a framework for the objects/devices to interact with one another in an electronically manner with the world around. Not only the humans can communicate with one another using system, but rather IoT had made possible for the system to communicate with each other too. It is being enabled by the presence of other independent technologies which make fundamental components of IoT. One of such technology is Big Data Analytics. Big data has emerged as a connecting point between the objects on the internet. Massive data is generated in day to day life and data mining has played a vital role in converting the data to information useful for the end users. But as the amount of data kept on increasing, it became difficult to extract useful information from it. It is when Big Data Analytics came into picture. In today’s world, various sensors interact over a wireless network by exchanging huge amount of data with one another. It is with the help of IoT, designing of a good infrastructure for storing and managing such huge amount of sensor data became possible. It resulted in an easy search and utilization of sensor data by the users. This paper deals with the so called relationship between IOT and Big data. In particular, the focus of the paper will be in how the things in IOT generate massive data (Big Data) and if both combined then how it can lead to wonders in real world. Keywords: Internet of things, Big Data Analytics, Hadoop, Big Data, Unstructured Dat