3 research outputs found

    Growth and Productivity of Agricultural and Biological Sciences Research in State Agriculture Universities of Gujarat (India)

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    This paper presents a scientometric analysis of the growth and productivity of agricultural and biological sciences research in state agriculture universities of Gujarat, India. 1742 publications that appeared in the Scopus database during 2010-2019 have been taken for the analysis. Aspects like patterns and trends about authorship pattern, the ranking of authors based on number of publications and citations, highly productive Universities, degree of collaboration between authors, highly cited papers, etc. are considered for analysis and drawing the conclusion

    Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de México en ciencias agricolas a través de las bases de datos internacionales, "Agricola", "Agris", "Cab Abstracts", "Science Citation Index", "Social Science Citation Index" y "Tropag & Rural", en el periodo 1983-2002

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    En este trabajo de investigación se caracteriza la producción científica mexicana en el área de las Ciencias Agrícolas, utilizando para ello indicadores bibliométricos unidimensionales y multidimensionales de actividad científica, mediante los cuales se analiza por un lado la producción obtenida en las bases de datos: Agricola, Agris, Cab Abstracts, Tropag & Rural, Science Citation Index (SCI) y Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), y por el otro, la producción indexada solamente en las bases de datos generales SCI y SSCI. Los indicadores que se utilizan permiten caracterizar: La evolución temporal de la producción de artículos de revistas; la aportación por áreas temáticas, entidades federativas o estados de México, sectores institucionales e instituciones individuales; los idiomas en que se publican los artículos; la visibilidad de las publicaciones periódicas en que se publican los artículos; la colaboración entre autores, los índices de coautoría, los autores más productivos, los distintos patrones de colaboración entre instituciones tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, así como su evolución durante el período de estudio y por áreas temáticas. Se encontró que la producción científica durante el período de estudio ascendió a 15.736 artículos de revistas, en tanto que la producción en revistas en las bases de datos SCI y SSCI fue de 5.942 artículos, que corresponde a 37,76% del encontrado en las revistas nacionales e internacionales. Según SCI y SSCI, las materias en las que se publicaron más artículos fueron Ciencias de las Plantas, (21,42%), Agronomía (10,55%), Entomología (9,02%), y Agricultura (7,27%), que en conjunto publicaron el 48,27% de los artículos. El Distrito Federal y el Estado de México publicaron más de la mitad de los artículos lo cual muestra una gran concentración de la investigación en estas dos entidades, en tanto que las entidades que menos publicaron fueron Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Nayarit, Tabasco, y Campeche. Los tipos de instituciones que más publicaron fueron las Universidades públicas y los Institutos o Centros de Investigación, siendo las instituciones que más publicaron la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, el Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo, el Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas y el Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Los idiomas en que se publicaron más artículos de revistas fueron el inglés (62,33%), tasa que subió a 96,53% en revistas de corriente principal, y el español (37,89%), tasa que bajó a 2,93% en revistas de corriente principal. La tasa media de artículos firmados en coautoría fue de 87,62%, misma que subió a 92,26 %, en el caso de las revistas de corriente principal. El índice de coautoría en 2002 fue de 4,08, casi similar al observado con los datos obtenidos de las revistas de corriente principal (4,18). Los índices de coautoría más altos lo tuvieron: Ciencias Veterinarias (4,22), y Ciencias de los Alimentos (3,97), en cambio los índices más bajos los presentaron: Ecología (2,87) y Zoología (2,9). El tipo de colaboración más alta fue la intrainstitucional (media de 70,48%), seguida de Internacional (media de 45,51%), Intraestatal (media de 17,78%), y la interestatal (media de 13,22%). La colaboración que mostró mayor crecimiento fue la intrainstitucional. Las materias en las que hubo mayor colaboración fueron: Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (97,28%), y Biotecnología y Microbiología Aplicadas (97,24%). La menor colaboración se observó en: Entomología (87,13%), y Ecología (90,06%).____________________________________________ In this research the Mexican scientific production in the area of Agricultural Sciences is characterized, using for this, unidimensional and multidimensional bibliometric indicators of scientific activity, through these the production obtained in several databases is analyzed by a side: Agricola, Agris, Cab Abstracts, Tropag & Rural, Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and by the other, the production indexed only in the databases SCI and SSCI. The indicators that are used allow to characterize: The temporary evolution of the articles production of scientific journals; the national contribution by subject areas, states of Mexico, types of institutions and individual institutions; the languages in which the articles are published; the visibility of the scientific journals in which the articles are published; the collaboration between authors, the most productive authors, as well as the different collaboration patterns between institutions, at national and international level, the evolution of the collaboration during the period of study, and by thematic areas. We found that the scientific production during the period of study ascended to 15,736 journal articles, whereas the production in journals in the databases SCI and SSCI were of 5,942 articles that correspond to 37.76% of the found one in the national and international journals (all the databases used). According to SCI and SSCI, the subject areas in which more articles were published were Plant Sciences, (21,42%), Agronomy (10,55%), Entomology (9,02%), and Agriculture (7,27%), that altogether published 48,27% of articles. Both, the Federal District and the State of Mexico published more than half of articles, this shows a great concentration of the scientific research in these two states, whereas the states that less published were Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Nayarit, Tabasco, and Campeche. The types of institutions that published more articles were the Public Universities and the Institutes or Research Centers, being the institutions that more published the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the National Institute for Forest, Agriculture and Livestock Research, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, the Postgraduate College in Agricultural Sciences and the Centre for Advanced Studies and Research of the National Polytechnical Institute. The languages in which more articles of journals were published were the English (62,33%), rate that rose to 96,53% in main current journals, and the Spanish (37,89%), rate that lowered to 2,93% in main current journals. The average rate of articles signed in coauthorship was of 87,62%, same that rose 92,26 %, in the case of the main current journals. The coauthorship index in 2002 was of 4,08, almost similar to the observed one with the collected data of the main current journals (4,18). The higher coauthorship indexes were found in: Veterinary Sciences (4,22), and Food Science and Technology (3,97). The lowest coauthorship indexes were presented by: Ecology (2,87) and Zoology (2,9). The type of higher collaboration was the intrainstitutional one (average of 70,48%), followed by the International (average of 45,51%), Intrastate (average of 17,78%), and the interstate one (average of 13,22%). The collaboration that showed greater growth was the intrainstitutional one. The subject areas in which there was greater collaboration were: Food Science and Technology (97,28%), and Biotechnology and Microbiology (97,24%). The smaller collaboration was observed in: Entomology (87,13%), and Ecology (90,06%). According to the perception of the collaboration, the strongest collaborations occurred in institutions dedicated completely to the investigation in Agricultural Sciences like the Postgraduate College in Agricultural Sciences, the National Institute for Forest, Agriculture and Livestock Research, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, and the ''Antonio Narro'' Autonomous Agricultural University. In the collaboration between the states we perceived the formation of groups of states geographically together in several regions of the country, like the ones of the Federal District with Morelos and the State of Mexico, Querétaro with Guanajuato, Sonora with Baja California Sur and Coahuila with Nuevo León. The highest international collaboration was with the United States of America (55,55%), followed by France (8,5%), and the United Kingdom (7,15%). The countries of Center, South America and the Caribbean with which there was more collaboration were: Argentina (2,58%), and Brazil (2,38%). By thematic areas, it was with the United States the country with which Mexico collaborated the most; being the highest percentage in Zoology, Environmental Sciences, and Entomology; whereas, Applied Biotechnology and Microbiology were the subject areas in which it was less collaborated. One concludes that the bibliometric techniques assisted by statistical techniques, as the Correspondence Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling, showed to be very useful to “discover” characteristics of the Mexican scientific production in Agricultural Sciences, that by other means would not be possible to know