2 research outputs found

    How Important is Syntactic Parsing Accuracy? An Empirical Evaluation on Rule-Based Sentiment Analysis

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    Syntactic parsing, the process of obtaining the internal structure of sentences in natural languages, is a crucial task for artificial intelligence applications that need to extract meaning from natural language text or speech. Sentiment analysis is one example of application for which parsing has recently proven useful. In recent years, there have been significant advances in the accuracy of parsing algorithms. In this article, we perform an empirical, task-oriented evaluation to determine how parsing accuracy influences the performance of a state-of-the-art rule-based sentiment analysis system that determines the polarity of sentences from their parse trees. In particular, we evaluate the system using four well-known dependency parsers, including both current models with state-of-the-art accuracy and more innacurate models which, however, require less computational resources. The experiments show that all of the parsers produce similarly good results in the sentiment analysis task, without their accuracy having any relevant influence on the results. Since parsing is currently a task with a relatively high computational cost that varies strongly between algorithms, this suggests that sentiment analysis researchers and users should prioritize speed over accuracy when choosing a parser; and parsing researchers should investigate models that improve speed further, even at some cost to accuracy.Comment: 19 pages. Accepted for publication in Artificial Intelligence Review. This update only adds the DOI link to comply with journal's term

    Formal models of Structure Building in Music, Language and Animal Songs

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    Human language, music and a variety of animal vocalisations constitute ways of sonic communication that exhibit remarkable structural complexity. While the complexities of language and possible parallels in animal communication have been discussed intensively, reflections on the complexity of music and animal song, and their comparisons are underrepresented. In some ways, music and animal songs are more comparable to each other than to language, as propositional semantics cannot be used as as indicator of communicative success or well-formedness, and notions of grammaticality are less easily defined. This review brings together accounts of the principles of structure building in language, music and animal song, relating them to the corresponding models in formal language theory, with a special focus on evaluating the benefits of using the Chomsky hierarchy (CH). We further discuss common misunderstandings and shortcomings concerning the CH, as well as extensions or augmentations of it that address some of these issues, and suggest ways to move beyond.Comment: Pre-edited version of Zuidema, W., Hupkes, D., Wiggins, G. A., Scharff, C., & Rohrmeirer, M. (2018). Formal Models of Structure Building in Music, Language, and Animal Song. The Origins of Musicality, 25