7 research outputs found

    Online Domain Adaptation for Multi-Object Tracking

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    Automatically detecting, labeling, and tracking objects in videos depends first and foremost on accurate category-level object detectors. These might, however, not always be available in practice, as acquiring high-quality large scale labeled training datasets is either too costly or impractical for all possible real-world application scenarios. A scalable solution consists in re-using object detectors pre-trained on generic datasets. This work is the first to investigate the problem of on-line domain adaptation of object detectors for causal multi-object tracking (MOT). We propose to alleviate the dataset bias by adapting detectors from category to instances, and back: (i) we jointly learn all target models by adapting them from the pre-trained one, and (ii) we also adapt the pre-trained model on-line. We introduce an on-line multi-task learning algorithm to efficiently share parameters and reduce drift, while gradually improving recall. Our approach is applicable to any linear object detector, and we evaluate both cheap "mini-Fisher Vectors" and expensive "off-the-shelf" ConvNet features. We quantitatively measure the benefit of our domain adaptation strategy on the KITTI tracking benchmark and on a new dataset (PASCAL-to-KITTI) we introduce to study the domain mismatch problem in MOT.Comment: To appear at BMVC 201

    Identity Retention of Multiple Objects under Extreme Occlusion Scenarios using Feature Descriptors

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    Identity assignment and retention needs multiple object detection and tracking. It plays a vital role in behavior analysis and gait recognition. The objective of Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) is to detect, track and retain identities from an image sequence. An occlusion is a major resistance in identity retention. It is a challenging task to handle occlusion while tracking varying number of person in the complex scene using a monocular camera. In MOT, occlusion remains a challenging task in real world applications. This paper uses Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Hungarian Assignment (HA) for person detection and tracking. We propose an identity retention algorithm using Rotation Scale and Translation (RST) invariant feature descriptors. In addition, a segmentation based optimum demerge handling algorithm is proposed to retain proper identities under occlusion. The proposed approach is evaluated on a standard surveillance dataset sequences and it achieves 97 % object detection accuracy and 85% tracking accuracy for PETS-S2.L1 sequence and 69.7% accuracy as well as 72.3% precision for Town Centre Sequence

    Z-GMOT: Zero-shot Generic Multiple Object Tracking

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    Despite the significant progress made in recent years, Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) approaches still suffer from several limitations, including their reliance on prior knowledge of tracking targets, which necessitates the costly annotation of large labeled datasets. As a result, existing MOT methods are limited to a small set of predefined categories, and they struggle with unseen objects in the real world. To address these issues, Generic Multiple Object Tracking (GMOT) has been proposed, which requires less prior information about the targets. However, all existing GMOT approaches follow a one-shot paradigm, relying mainly on the initial bounding box and thus struggling to handle variants e.g., viewpoint, lighting, occlusion, scale, and etc. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to address the limitations of existing MOT and GMOT methods. Specifically, we propose a zero-shot GMOT (Z-GMOT) algorithm that can track never-seen object categories with zero training examples, without the need for predefined categories or an initial bounding box. To achieve this, we propose iGLIP, an improved version of Grounded language-image pretraining (GLIP), which can detect unseen objects while minimizing false positives. We evaluate our Z-GMOT thoroughly on the GMOT-40 dataset, AnimalTrack testset, DanceTrack testset. The results of these evaluations demonstrate a significant improvement over existing methods. For instance, on the GMOT-40 dataset, the Z-GMOT outperforms one-shot GMOT with OC-SORT by 27.79 points HOTA and 44.37 points MOTA. On the AnimalTrack dataset, it surpasses fully-supervised methods with DeepSORT by 12.55 points HOTA and 8.97 points MOTA. To facilitate further research, we will make our code and models publicly available upon acceptance of this paper

    Tracking The Untrackable: Learning To Track Multiple Cues with Long-Term Dependencies

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    The majority of existing solutions to the Multi-Target Tracking (MTT) problem do not combine cues in a coherent end-to-end fashion over a long period of time. However, we present an online method that encodes long-term temporal dependencies across multiple cues. One key challenge of tracking methods is to accurately track occluded targets or those which share similar appearance properties with surrounding objects. To address this challenge, we present a structure of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) that jointly reasons on multiple cues over a temporal window. We are able to correct many data association errors and recover observations from an occluded state. We demonstrate the robustness of our data-driven approach by tracking multiple targets using their appearance, motion, and even interactions. Our method outperforms previous works on multiple publicly available datasets including the challenging MOT benchmark

    Bi-label propagation for generic multiple object tracking

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    In this paper, we propose a label propagation framework to handle the multiple object tracking (MOT) problem for a generic object type (cf. pedestrian tracking). Given a target object by an initial bounding box, all objects of the same type are localized together with their identities. We treat this as a problem of propagating bi-labels, i.e. a binary class label for detection and individual object labels for tracking. To propagate the class label, we adopt clustered Multiple Task Learning (cMTL) while enforcing spatio-temporal consistency and show that this improves the performance when given limited training data. To track objects, we propagate labels from trajectories to detections based on affinity using appearance, motion, and context. Experiments on public and challenging new sequences show that the proposed method improves over the current state of the art on this task

    Generic multiple object tracking

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    Multiple object tracking is an important problem in the computer vision community due to its applications, including but not limited to, visual surveillance, crowd behavior analysis and robotics. The difficulties of this problem lie in several challenges such as frequent occlusion, interaction, high-degree articulation, etc. In recent years, data association based approaches have been successful in tracking multiple pedestrians on top of specific kinds of object detectors. Thus these approaches are type-specific. This may constrain their application in scenario where type-specific object detectors are unavailable. In view of this, I investigate in this thesis tracking multiple objects without ready-to-use and type-specific object detectors. More specifically, the problem of multiple object tracking is generalized to tracking targets of a generic type. Namely, objects to be tracked are no longer constrained to be a specific kind of objects. This problem is termed as Generic Multiple Object Tracking (GMOT), which is handled by three approaches presented in this thesis. In the first approach, a generic object detector is learned based on manual annotation of only one initial bounding box. Then the detector is employed to regularize the online learning procedure of multiple trackers which are specialized to each object. More specifically, multiple trackers are learned simultaneously with shared features and are guided to keep close to the detector. Experimental results have shown considerable improvement on this problem compared with the state-of-the-art methods. The second approach treats detection and tracking of multiple generic objects as a bi-label propagation procedure, which is consisted of class label propagation (detection) and object label propagation (tracking). In particular, the cluster Multiple Task Learning (cMTL) is employed along with the spatio-temporal consistency to address the online detection problem. The tracking problem is addressed by associating existing trajectories with new detection responses considering appearance, motion and context information. The advantages of this approach is verified by extensive experiments on several public data sets. The aforementioned two approaches handle GMOT in an online manner. In contrast, a batch method is proposed in the third work. It dynamically clusters given detection hypotheses into groups corresponding to individual objects. Inspired by the success of topic model in tackling textual tasks, Dirichlet Process Mixture Model (DPMM) is utilized to address the tracking problem by cooperating with the so-called must-links and cannot-links, which are proposed to avoid physical collision. Moreover, two kinds of representations, superpixel and Deformable Part Model (DPM), are introduced to track both rigid and non-rigid objects. Effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with experiments on public data sets.Open Acces