1 research outputs found

    Beyond the Vizing's bound for at most seven colors

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a simple graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta. The edges of GG can be colored with at most Δ+1\Delta +1 colors by Vizing's theorem. We study lower bounds on the size of subgraphs of GG that can be colored with Δ\Delta colors. Vizing's Theorem gives a bound of ΔΔ+1E\frac{\Delta}{\Delta+1}|E|. This is known to be tight for cliques KΔ+1K_{\Delta+1} when Δ\Delta is even. However, for Δ=3\Delta=3 it was improved to 26/31E26/31|E| by Albertson and Haas [Parsimonious edge colorings, Disc. Math. 148, 1996] and later to 6/7E6/7|E| by Rizzi [Approximating the maximum 3-edge-colorable subgraph problem, Disc. Math. 309, 2009]. It is tight for B3B_3, the graph isomorphic to a K4K_4 with one edge subdivided. We improve previously known bounds for Δ3,...,7\Delta\in{3,...,7}, under the assumption that for Δ=3,4,6\Delta=3,4,6 graph GG is not isomorphic to B3B_3, K5K_5 and K7K_7, respectively. For Δ4\Delta \geq 4 these are the first results which improve over the Vizing's bound. We also show a new bound for subcubic multigraphs not isomorphic to K3K_3 with one edge doubled. In the second part, we give approximation algorithms for the Maximum k-Edge-Colorable Subgraph problem, where given a graph G (without any bound on its maximum degree or other restrictions) one has to find a k-edge-colorable subgraph with maximum number of edges. In particular, when G is simple for k=3,4,5,6,7 we obtain approximation ratios of 13/15, 9/11, 19/22, 23/27 and 22/25, respectively. We also present a 7/9-approximation for k=3 when G is a multigraph. The approximation algorithms follow from a new general framework that can be used for any value of k.Comment: 34 page