1 research outputs found

    Beyond a Usage Threshold, NO Form of Energy is Sustainable or Green We are Running Out of “Garbage Dump Space ” To Dissipate “Used ” Energy Into

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    To date, almost all of the research on green/sustainable energy has been concerned with procurement of ever increasing amounts of energy for human consumption. This singular focus only on the supply-side of the problem completely overlooks what happens to the energy after we use it; thereby implicitly making the dangerously wrong assumption that the earth has unlimited capacity to dissipate energy. In this position paper, we remind the reader that the earth can dissipate only a finite amount of even the greenest of the green forms of energy, while still maintaining thermal equilibria that have evolved over eons. Any long term sustainable energy solution therefore must include a curbing/limiting/controlling our demand for (and consequently, our consumption of) energy. Otherwise, even if and even after all the green-house-effects are fully eliminated, the earth still might eventually experience unnaturally large temperature increase because the amount of energy dissipated is too large