3 research outputs found

    Detecting word substitutions in text

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    Searching for words on a watchlist is one way in which large-scale surveillance of communication can be done, for example in intelligence and counterterrorism settings. One obvious defense is to replace words that might attract attention to a message with other, more innocuous, words. For example, the sentence the attack will be tomorrow" might be altered to the complex will be tomorrow", since 'complex' is a word whose frequency is close to that of 'attack'. Such substitutions are readily detectable by humans since they do not make sense. We address the problem of detecting such substitutions automatically, by looking for discrepancies between words and their contexts, and using only syntactic information. We define a set of measures, each of which is quite weak, but which together produce per-sentence detection rates around 90% with false positive rates around 10%. Rules for combining persentence detection into per-message detection can reduce the false positive and false negative rates for messages to practical levels. We test the approach using sentences from the Enron email and Brown corpora, representing informal and formal text respectively

    Beyond Keyword Filtering for Message and Conversation Detection

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    Beyond Keyword Filtering for Message and Conversation Detection

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    Abstract. Keyword filtering is a commonly used way to select, from a set of intercepted messages, those that need further scrutiny. An obvious countermeasure is to replace words that might be on a keyword list by others. We show that this strategy itself creates a signature in the altered messages that makes them readily detectable using several forms of matrix decomposition. Not only can unusual messages be detected, but sets of related messages can be detected as conversations, even when their endpoints have been obscured (by using transient email addresses, stolen cell phones and so on).