414 research outputs found

    Better Algorithms for Benign Bandits

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    RELEAF: An Algorithm for Learning and Exploiting Relevance

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    Recommender systems, medical diagnosis, network security, etc., require on-going learning and decision-making in real time. These -- and many others -- represent perfect examples of the opportunities and difficulties presented by Big Data: the available information often arrives from a variety of sources and has diverse features so that learning from all the sources may be valuable but integrating what is learned is subject to the curse of dimensionality. This paper develops and analyzes algorithms that allow efficient learning and decision-making while avoiding the curse of dimensionality. We formalize the information available to the learner/decision-maker at a particular time as a context vector which the learner should consider when taking actions. In general the context vector is very high dimensional, but in many settings, the most relevant information is embedded into only a few relevant dimensions. If these relevant dimensions were known in advance, the problem would be simple -- but they are not. Moreover, the relevant dimensions may be different for different actions. Our algorithm learns the relevant dimensions for each action, and makes decisions based in what it has learned. Formally, we build on the structure of a contextual multi-armed bandit by adding and exploiting a relevance relation. We prove a general regret bound for our algorithm whose time order depends only on the maximum number of relevant dimensions among all the actions, which in the special case where the relevance relation is single-valued (a function), reduces to O~(T2(2−1))\tilde{O}(T^{2(\sqrt{2}-1)}); in the absence of a relevance relation, the best known contextual bandit algorithms achieve regret O~(T(D+1)/(D+2))\tilde{O}(T^{(D+1)/(D+2)}), where DD is the full dimension of the context vector.Comment: to appear in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 201

    Explore no more: Improved high-probability regret bounds for non-stochastic bandits

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    This work addresses the problem of regret minimization in non-stochastic multi-armed bandit problems, focusing on performance guarantees that hold with high probability. Such results are rather scarce in the literature since proving them requires a large deal of technical effort and significant modifications to the standard, more intuitive algorithms that come only with guarantees that hold on expectation. One of these modifications is forcing the learner to sample arms from the uniform distribution at least Ω(T)\Omega(\sqrt{T}) times over TT rounds, which can adversely affect performance if many of the arms are suboptimal. While it is widely conjectured that this property is essential for proving high-probability regret bounds, we show in this paper that it is possible to achieve such strong results without this undesirable exploration component. Our result relies on a simple and intuitive loss-estimation strategy called Implicit eXploration (IX) that allows a remarkably clean analysis. To demonstrate the flexibility of our technique, we derive several improved high-probability bounds for various extensions of the standard multi-armed bandit framework. Finally, we conduct a simple experiment that illustrates the robustness of our implicit exploration technique.Comment: To appear at NIPS 201
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