863,954 research outputs found

    The Beta-Gompertz Distribution

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    In this paper, we introduce a new four-parameter generalized version of the Gompertz model which is called Beta-Gompertz (BG) distribution. It includes some well-known lifetime distributions such as beta-exponential and generalized Gompertz distributions as special sub-models. This new distribution is quite flexible and can be used effectively in modeling survival data and reliability problems. It can have a decreasing, increasing, and bathtub-shaped failure rate function depending on its parameters. Some mathematical properties of the new distribution, such as closed-form expressions for the density, cumulative distribution, hazard rate function, the kkth order moment, moment generating function, Shannon entropy, and the quantile measure are provided. We discuss maximum likelihood estimation of the BG parameters from one observed sample and derive the observed Fisher's information matrix. A simulation study is performed in order to investigate this proposed estimator for parameters. At the end, in order to show the BG distribution flexibility, an application using a real data set is presented.Comment: http://www.emis.de/journals/RCE/ingles/v37_1.htm

    The right tail exponent of the Tracy-Widom-beta distribution

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    The Tracy-Widom beta distribution is the large dimensional limit of the top eigenvalue of beta random matrix ensembles. We use the stochastic Airy operator representation to show that as a tends to infinity the tail of the Tracy Widom distribution satisfies P(TW_beta > a) = a^(-3/4 beta+o(1)) exp(-2/3 beta a^(3/2))

    The Index Distribution of Gaussian Random Matrices

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    We compute analytically, for large N, the probability distribution of the number of positive eigenvalues (the index N_{+}) of a random NxN matrix belonging to Gaussian orthogonal (\beta=1), unitary (\beta=2) or symplectic (\beta=4) ensembles. The distribution of the fraction of positive eigenvalues c=N_{+}/N scales, for large N, as Prob(c,N)\simeq\exp[-\beta N^2 \Phi(c)] where the rate function \Phi(c), symmetric around c=1/2 and universal (independent of β\beta), is calculated exactly. The distribution has non-Gaussian tails, but even near its peak at c=1/2 it is not strictly Gaussian due to an unusual logarithmic singularity in the rate function.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 4 .eps figures include

    The Beta Generalized Exponential Distribution

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    We introduce the beta generalized exponential distribution that includes the beta exponential and generalized exponential distributions as special cases. We provide a comprehensive mathematical treatment of this distribution. We derive the moment generating function and the rrth moment thus generalizing some results in the literature. Expressions for the density, moment generating function and rrth moment of the order statistics also are obtained. We discuss estimation of the parameters by maximum likelihood and provide the information matrix. We observe in one application to real data set that this model is quite flexible and can be used quite effectively in analyzing positive data in place of the beta exponential and generalized exponential distributions
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