13 research outputs found

    Almost diagonal matrices and Besov-type spaces based on wavelet expansions

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    This paper is concerned with problems in the context of the theoretical foundation of adaptive (wavelet) algorithms for the numerical treatment of operator equations. It is well-known that the analysis of such schemes naturally leads to function spaces of Besov type. But, especially when dealing with equations on non-smooth manifolds, the definition of these spaces is not straightforward. Nevertheless, motivated by applications, recently Besov-type spaces BΨ,qα(Lp(Γ))B^\alpha_{\Psi,q}(L_p(\Gamma)) on certain two-dimensional, patchwise smooth surfaces were defined and employed successfully. In the present paper, we extend this definition (based on wavelet expansions) to a quite general class of dd-dimensional manifolds and investigate some analytical properties (such as, e.g., embeddings and best nn-term approximation rates) of the resulting quasi-Banach spaces. In particular, we prove that different prominent constructions of biorthogonal wavelet systems Ψ\Psi on domains or manifolds Γ\Gamma which admit a decomposition into smooth patches actually generate the same Besov-type function spaces BΨ,qα(Lp(Γ))B^\alpha_{\Psi,q}(L_p(\Gamma)), provided that their univariate ingredients possess a sufficiently large order of cancellation and regularity (compared to the smoothness parameter α\alpha of the space). For this purpose, a theory of almost diagonal matrices on related sequence spaces bp,qα()b^\alpha_{p,q}(\nabla) of Besov type is developed. Keywords: Besov spaces, wavelets, localization, sequence spaces, adaptive methods, non-linear approximation, manifolds, domain decomposition.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    Besov regularity for operator equations on patchwise smooth manifolds

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    We study regularity properties of solutions to operator equations on patchwise smooth manifolds Ω\partial\Omega such as, e.g., boundaries of polyhedral domains ΩR3\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3. Using suitable biorthogonal wavelet bases Ψ\Psi, we introduce a new class of Besov-type spaces BΨ,qα(Lp(Ω))B_{\Psi,q}^\alpha(L_p(\partial \Omega)) of functions u ⁣:ΩCu\colon\partial\Omega\rightarrow\mathbb{C}. Special attention is paid on the rate of convergence for best nn-term wavelet approximation to functions in these scales since this determines the performance of adaptive numerical schemes. We show embeddings of (weighted) Sobolev spaces on Ω\partial\Omega into BΨ,τα(Lτ(Ω))B_{\Psi,\tau}^\alpha(L_\tau(\partial \Omega)), 1/τ=α/2+1/21/\tau=\alpha/2 + 1/2, which lead us to regularity assertions for the equations under consideration. Finally, we apply our results to a boundary integral equation of the second kind which arises from the double layer ansatz for Dirichlet problems for Laplace's equation in Ω\Omega.Comment: 42 pages, 3 figures, updated after peer review. Preprint: Bericht Mathematik Nr. 2013-03 des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik, Universit\"at Marburg. To appear in J. Found. Comput. Mat

    Besov regularity of solutions to the p-Poisson equation

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    In this paper, we study the regularity of solutions to the pp-Poisson equation for all 1<p<1<p<\infty. In particular, we are interested in smoothness estimates in the adaptivity scale Bτσ(Lτ(Ω)) B^\sigma_{\tau}(L_{\tau}(\Omega)), 1/τ=σ/d+1/p1/\tau = \sigma/d+1/p, of Besov spaces. The regularity in this scale determines the order of approximation that can be achieved by adaptive and other nonlinear approximation methods. It turns out that, especially for solutions to pp-Poisson equations with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on bounded polygonal domains, the Besov regularity is significantly higher than the Sobolev regularity which justifies the use of adaptive algorithms. This type of results is obtained by combining local H\"older with global Sobolev estimates. In particular, we prove that intersections of locally weighted H\"older spaces and Sobolev spaces can be continuously embedded into the specific scale of Besov spaces we are interested in. The proof of this embedding result is based on wavelet characterizations of Besov spaces.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figure

    An analysis of electrical impedance tomography with applications to Tikhonov regularization

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    This paper analyzes the continuum model/complete electrode model in the electrical impedance tomography inverse problem of determining the conductivity parameter from boundary measurements. The continuity and differentiability of the forward operator with respect to the conductivity parameter in Lp-norms are proved. These analytical results are applied to several popular regularization formulations, which incorporate a priori information of smoothness/sparsity on the inhomogeneity through Tikhonov regularization, for both linearized and nonlinear models. Some important properties, e.g., existence, stability, consistency and convergence rates, are established. This provides some theoretical justifications of their practical usage

    Piecewise Tensor Product Wavelet Bases by Extensions and Approximation Rates

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    Following [Studia Math., 76(2) (1983), pp. 1-58 and 95-136] by Z. Ciesielski and T. Figiel and [SIAM J. Math. Anal., 31 (1999), pp. 184-230] by W. Dahmen and R. Schneider, by the application of extension operators we construct a basis for a range of Sobolev spaces on a domain Ω \Omega from corresponding bases on subdomains that form a non-overlapping decomposition. As subdomains, we take hypercubes, or smooth parametric images of those, and equip them with tensor product wavelet bases. We prove approximation rates from the resulting piecewise tensor product basis that are independent of the spatial dimension of Ω \Omega . For two- and three-dimensional polytopes we show that the solution of Poisson type problems satisfies the required regularity condition. The dimension independent rates will be realized numerically in linear complexity by the application of the adaptive wavelet-Galerkin scheme

    Multilevel Monte Carlo Approximation of Distribution Functions and Densities

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