3 research outputs found

    Signal enhancement and efficient DTW-based comparison for wearable gait recognition

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    The popularity of biometrics-based user identification has significantly increased over the last few years. User identification based on the face, fingerprints, and iris, usually achieves very high accuracy only in controlled setups and can be vulnerable to presentation attacks, spoofing, and forgeries. To overcome these issues, this work proposes a novel strategy based on a relatively less explored biometric trait, i.e., gait, collected by a smartphone accelerometer, which can be more robust to the attacks mentioned above. According to the wearable sensor-based gait recognition state-of-the-art, two main classes of approaches exist: 1) those based on machine and deep learning; 2) those exploiting hand-crafted features. While the former approaches can reach a higher accuracy, they suffer from problems like, e.g., performing poorly outside the training data, i.e., lack of generalizability. This paper proposes an algorithm based on hand-crafted features for gait recognition that can outperform the existing machine and deep learning approaches. It leverages a modified Majority Voting scheme applied to Fast Window Dynamic Time Warping, a modified version of the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm with relaxed constraints and majority voting, to recognize gait patterns. We tested our approach named MV-FWDTW on the ZJU-gaitacc, one of the most extensive datasets for the number of subjects, but especially for the number of walks per subject and walk lengths. Results set a new state-of-the-art gait recognition rate of 98.82% in a cross-session experimental setup. We also confirm the quality of the proposed method using a subset of the OU-ISIR dataset, another large state-of-the-art benchmark with more subjects but much shorter walk signals

    Biometric walk recognizer. Research and results on wearable sensor-based gait recognition

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    Gait is a biometric trait that can allow user authentication, though being classified as a "soft" one due to a certain lack in permanence, and to sensibility to specific conditions. The earliest research relies on computer vision-based approaches, especially applied in video surveillance. More recently, the spread of wearable sensors, especially those embedded in mobile devices, which are able to capture the dynamics of the walking pattern through simpler 1D signals, has spurred a different research line. This capture modality can avoid some problems related to computer vision-based techniques, but suffers from specific limitations. Related research is still in a less advanced phase with respect to other biometric traits. However, the promising results achieved so far, the increasing accuracy of sensors, the ubiquitous presence of mobile devices, and the low cost of related techniques, make this biometrics attractive and suggest to continue the investigations in this field. The first Chapters of this thesis deal with an introduction to biometrics, and more specifically to gait trait. A comprehensive review of technologies, approaches and strategies exploited by gait recognition proposals in the state-of-the-art is also provided. After such introduction, the contributions of this work are presented in details. Summarizing, it improves preceding result achieved during my Master Degree in Computer Science course of Biometrics and extended in my following Master Degree Thesis. The research deals with different strategies, including preprocessing and recognition techniques, applied to the gait biometrics, in order to allow both an automatic recognition and an improvement of the system accuracy

    Benefits of Gaussian Convolution in Gait Recognition

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    The first and still popular approach to gait recognition applies computer vision techniques to appearance-based features of walking patterns. More recently, wearable sensors have become attractive. The accelerometer is the most used one, being embedded in widespread mobile devices. Related techniques do not suffer for problems like occlusion and point of view, but for intra-subject variations caused by walking speed, ground type, shoes, etc. However, we can often recognize a person from the walking pattern, and this stimulates to search for robust features, able to sufficiently characterize this trait. This paper presents some preliminary experiments using the convolution with Gaussian kernels to extract relevant gait elements. The experiments use the large ZJU-gaitacc public dataset, and achieve improved results compared with previous works exploiting the same dataset