38,727 research outputs found

    Generative Multi-Agent Behavioral Cloning

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    We propose and study the problem of generative multi-agent behavioral cloning, where the goal is to learn a generative, i.e., non-deterministic, multi-agent policy from pre-collected demonstration data. Building upon advances in deep generative models, we present a hierarchical policy framework that can tractably learn complex mappings from input states to distributions over multi-agent action spaces by introducing a hierarchy with macro-intent variables that encode long-term intent. In addition to synthetic settings, we show how to instantiate our framework to effectively model complex interactions between basketball players and generate realistic multi-agent trajectories of basketball gameplay over long time periods. We validate our approach using both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, including a user study comparison conducted with professional sports analysts

    Diffusion Model-Augmented Behavioral Cloning

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    Imitation learning addresses the challenge of learning by observing an expert's demonstrations without access to reward signals from environments. Most existing imitation learning methods that do not require interacting with environments either model the expert distribution as the conditional probability p(a|s) (e.g., behavioral cloning, BC) or the joint probability p(s, a) (e.g., implicit behavioral cloning). Despite its simplicity, modeling the conditional probability with BC usually struggles with generalization. While modeling the joint probability can lead to improved generalization performance, the inference procedure can be time-consuming and it often suffers from manifold overfitting. This work proposes an imitation learning framework that benefits from modeling both the conditional and joint probability of the expert distribution. Our proposed diffusion model-augmented behavioral cloning (DBC) employs a diffusion model trained to model expert behaviors and learns a policy to optimize both the BC loss (conditional) and our proposed diffusion model loss (joint). DBC outperforms baselines in various continuous control tasks in navigation, robot arm manipulation, dexterous manipulation, and locomotion. We design additional experiments to verify the limitations of modeling either the conditional probability or the joint probability of the expert distribution as well as compare different generative models

    Imitating Driver Behavior with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    The ability to accurately predict and simulate human driving behavior is critical for the development of intelligent transportation systems. Traditional modeling methods have employed simple parametric models and behavioral cloning. This paper adopts a method for overcoming the problem of cascading errors inherent in prior approaches, resulting in realistic behavior that is robust to trajectory perturbations. We extend Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning to the training of recurrent policies, and we demonstrate that our model outperforms rule-based controllers and maximum likelihood models in realistic highway simulations. Our model both reproduces emergent behavior of human drivers, such as lane change rate, while maintaining realistic control over long time horizons.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Integration of Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence in Driverless Car Using High Performance Behavioural Cloning

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    Research on autonomous vehicle system has risen in the past couple of years. It has posed challenges to the researchers to develop an understanding about the real time scenarios. Deep Learning has demonstrated its extraordinary computational potential by transcending its abilities into more complex areas, where pattern matching, image recognition and behavioral cloning plays a vital role. The system consists of Image Processing and analyzing of the training data into behavioral cloning of the vehicle in a simulated environment. A control algorithm responsible for consolidating the sub systems calculations of the correct steering angle is used to keep the vehicle within the lane markings of the road. The solution proposed requires a better data collection and data interpretation. Addition of cloud computing fastens the data calculation and hence improves the performance of the system

    Learning to Reason: End-to-End Module Networks for Visual Question Answering

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    Natural language questions are inherently compositional, and many are most easily answered by reasoning about their decomposition into modular sub-problems. For example, to answer "is there an equal number of balls and boxes?" we can look for balls, look for boxes, count them, and compare the results. The recently proposed Neural Module Network (NMN) architecture implements this approach to question answering by parsing questions into linguistic substructures and assembling question-specific deep networks from smaller modules that each solve one subtask. However, existing NMN implementations rely on brittle off-the-shelf parsers, and are restricted to the module configurations proposed by these parsers rather than learning them from data. In this paper, we propose End-to-End Module Networks (N2NMNs), which learn to reason by directly predicting instance-specific network layouts without the aid of a parser. Our model learns to generate network structures (by imitating expert demonstrations) while simultaneously learning network parameters (using the downstream task loss). Experimental results on the new CLEVR dataset targeted at compositional question answering show that N2NMNs achieve an error reduction of nearly 50% relative to state-of-the-art attentional approaches, while discovering interpretable network architectures specialized for each question
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