1 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Approach for an Advanced Agent-based Intelligent Tutoring System

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    Machine Learning Approach for an Advanced Agent-based Intelligent Tutoring System Roya Aminikia Learning Management Systems (LMSs) are digital frameworks that provide curriculum, training materials, and corresponding assessments to guarantee an effective learning process. Although these systems are capable of distributing the learning content, they do not support dynamic learning processes and do not have the capability to communicate with human learners who are required to interact in a dynamic environment during the learning process. To create this process and support the interaction feature, LMSs are equipped with Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). The main objective of an ITS is to facilitate students’ movement towards their learning goals through virtual tutoring. When equipped with ITSs, LMSs operate as dynamic systems to provide students with access to a tutor who is available anytime during the learning session. The crucial issues we address in this thesis are how to set up a dynamic LMS, and how to design the logical structure behind an ITS. Artificial intelligence, multi-agent technology and machine learning provide powerful theories and foundations that we leverage to tackle these issues. We designed and implemented the new concept of Pedagogical Agent (PA) as the main part of our ITS. This agent uses an evaluation procedure to compare each particular student, in terms of performance, with their peers to develop a worthwhile guidance. The agent captures global knowledge of students’ feature measurements during students’ guiding process. Therefore, the PA retains an updated status, called image, of each specific student at any moment. The agent uses this image for the purpose of diagnosing students’ skills to implement a specific correct instruction. To develop the infrastructure of the agent decision making algorithm, we laid out a protocol (decision tree) to select the best individual direction. The significant capability of the agent is the ability to update its functionality by looking at a student’s image at run time. We also applied two supervised machine learning methods to improve the decision making protocol performance in order to maximize the effect of the collaborating mechanism between students and the ITS. Through these methods, we made the necessary modifications to the decision making structure to promote students’ performance by offering prompts during the learning sessions. The conducted experiments showed that the proposed system is able to efficiently classify students into learners with high versus low performance. Deployment of such a model enabled the PA to use different decision trees while interacting with students of different learning skills. The performance of the system has been shown by ROC curves and details regarding combination of different attributes used in the two machine learning algorithms are discussed, along with the correlation of key attributes that contribute to the accuracy and performance of the decision maker components