24 research outputs found

    Be Adaptive, Avoid Overcommitting

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    For many cryptographic primitives, it is relatively easy to achieve selective security (where the adversary commits a-priori to some of the choices to be made later in the attack) but appears difficult to achieve the more natural notion of adaptive security (where the adversary can make all choices on the go as the attack progresses). A series of several recent works shows how to cleverly achieve adaptive security in several such scenarios including generalized selective decryption (Panjwani, TCC \u2707 and Fuchsbauer et al., CRYPTO \u2715), constrained PRFs (Fuchsbauer et al., ASIACRYPT \u2714), and Yao garbled circuits (Jafargholi and Wichs, TCC \u2716b). Although the above works expressed vague intuition that they share a common technique, the connection was never made precise. In this work we present a new framework that connects all of these works and allows us to present them in a unified and simplified fashion. Moreover, we use the framework to derive a new result for adaptively secure secret sharing over access structures defined via monotone circuits. We envision that further applications will follow in the future. Underlying our framework is the following simple idea. It is well known that selective security, where the adversary commits to nn-bits of information about his future choices, automatically implies adaptive security at the cost of amplifying the adversary\u27s advantage by a factor of up to 2n2^n. However, in some cases the proof of selective security proceeds via a sequence of hybrids, where each pair of adjacent hybrids locally only requires some smaller partial information consisting of mnm \ll n bits. The partial information needed might be completely different between different pairs of hybrids, and if we look across all the hybrids we might rely on the entire nn-bit commitment. Nevertheless, the above is sufficient to prove adaptive security, at the cost of amplifying the adversary\u27s advantage by a factor of only 2m2n2^m \ll 2^n. In all of our examples using the above framework, the different hybrids are captured by some sort of a graph pebbling game and the amount of information that the adversary needs to commit to in each pair of hybrids is bounded by the maximum number of pebbles in play at any point in time. Therefore, coming up with better strategies for proving adaptive security translates to various pebbling strategies for different types of graphs

    How to Share a Secret, Infinitely

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    Secret sharing schemes allow a dealer to distribute a secret piece of information among several parties such that only qualified subsets of parties can reconstruct the secret. The collection of qualified subsets is called an access structure. The best known example is the kk-threshold access structure, where the qualified subsets are those of size at least kk. When k=2k=2 and there are nn parties, there are schemes for sharing an \ell-bit secret in which the share size of each party is roughly max{,logn}\max\{\ell,\log n\} bits, and this is tight even for secrets of 1 bit. In these schemes, the number of parties nn must be given in advance to the dealer. In this work we consider the case where the set of parties is not known in advance and could potentially be infinite. Our goal is to give the tt-th party arriving the smallest possible share as a function of tt. Our main result is such a scheme for the kk-threshold access structure and 1-bit secrets where the share size of party tt is (k1)logt+poly(k)o(logt)(k-1)\cdot \log t + \mathsf{poly}(k)\cdot o(\log t). For k=2k=2 we observe an equivalence to prefix codes and present matching upper and lower bounds of the form logt+loglogt+logloglogt+O(1)\log t + \log\log t + \log\log\log t + O(1). Finally, we show that for any access structure there exists such a secret sharing scheme with shares of size 2t12^{t-1}

    Constrained PRFs for Bit-fixing (and More) from OWFs with Adaptive Security and Constant Collusion Resistance

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    Constrained pseudorandom functions (CPRFs) allow learning constrained PRF keys that can evaluate the PRF on a subset of the input space, or based on some sort of predicate. First introduced by Boneh and Waters [AC\u2713], Kiayias et al. [CCS\u2713] and Boyle et al. [PKC\u2714], they have been shown to be a useful cryptographic primitive with many applications. The full security definition of CPRFs requires the adversary to learn multiple constrained keys in an arbitrary order, a requirement for many of these applications. Unfortunately, existing constructions of CPRFs satisfying this security notion are only known from exceptionally strong cryptographic assumptions, such as indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) and the existence of multilinear maps, even for very weak constraints. CPRFs from more standard assumptions only satisfy selective security for a single constrained key query. In this work, we give the first construction of a CPRF that can adaptively issue a constant number of constrained keys for bit-fixing predicates (or more generally tt-conjunctive normal form predicates), only requiring the existence of one-way functions (OWFs). This is a much weaker assumption compared with all previous constructions. In addition, we prove that the new scheme satisfies 1-key privacy (otherwise known as constraint-hiding). This is the only construction for any non-trivial predicates to achieve adaptive security and collusion-resistance outside of the random oracle model or relying on strong cryptographic assumptions. Our technique represents a noted departure from existing CPRF constructions

    Adaptively Indistinguishable Garbled Circuits

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    A garbling scheme is used to garble a circuit CC and an input xx in a way that reveals the output C(x)C(x) but hides everything else. An adaptively secure scheme allows the adversary to specify the input xx after seeing the garbled circuit. Applebaum et al. (CRYPTO \u2713) showed that in any garbling scheme with adaptive simulation-based security, the size of the garbled input must exceed the output size of the circuit. Here we show how to circumvent this lower bound and achieve significantly better efficiency under the minimal assumption that one-way functions exist by relaxing the security notion from simulation-based to indistinguishability-based. We rely on the recent work of Hemenway et al. (CRYPTO \u2716) which constructed an adaptive simulation-based garbling scheme under one-way functions. The size of the garbled input in their scheme is as large as the output size of the circuit plus a certain pebble complexity of the circuit, where the latter is (e.g.,) bounded by the space complexity of the computation. By building on top of their construction and adapting their proof technique, we show how to remove the output size dependence in their result when considering indistinguishability-based security. As an application of the above result, we get a symmetric-key functional encryption based on one-way functions, with indistinguishability-based security where the adversary can obtain an unbounded number of function secret keys and then adaptively a single challenge ciphertext. The size of the ciphertext only depends on the maximal pebble complexity of each of the functions but not on the number of functions or their circuit size

    Quarantined-TreeKEM: a Continuous Group Key Agreement for MLS, Secure in Presence of Inactive Users

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    The recently standardized secure group messaging protocol “Messaging Layer Security” (MLS) is designed to ensure asynchronous communications within large groups, with an almost-optimal communication cost and the same security level as point-to-point secure messaging protocols such as “Signal”. In particular, the core sub-protocol of MLS, a Continuous Group Key Agreement (CGKA) called TreeKEM, must generate a common group key that respects the fundamental security properties of “post-compromise security” and “forward secrecy” which mitigate the effects of user corruption over time. Most research on CGKAs has focused on how to improve these two security properties. However, post-compromise security and forward secrecy require the active participation of respectively all compromised users and all users within the group. Inactive users – who remain offline for long periods – do not update anymore their encryption keys and therefore represent a vulnerability for the entire group. This issue has already been identified in the MLS standard, but no solution, other than expelling these inactive users after some disconnection time, has been found. We propose here a CGKA protocol based on TreeKEM and fully compatible with the MLS standard, that implements a “quarantine” mechanism for the inactive users in order to mitigate the risk induced by these users without removing them from the group. That mechanism indeed updates the inactive users’ encryption keys on their behalf and secures these keys with a secret sharing scheme. If some of the inactive users eventually reconnect, their quarantine stops and they are able to recover all the messages that were exchanged during their offline period. Our “Quarantined-TreeKEM” protocol thus offers a good trade-off between security and functionality, with a very limited – and sometimes negative – communication overhead

    Adaptively Secure Garbling with Near Optimal Online Complexity

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    We construct an adaptively secure garbling scheme with an online communication complexity of n+m+poly(logC,sec)n+m+\mathsf{poly}(\log |C|, \sec) where C:{0,1}n{0,1}mC: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{m} is the circuit being garbled, and sec\sec is the security parameter. The security of our scheme can be based on (polynomial hardness of) the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption, or the Factoring assumption or the Learning with Errors assumption. This is nearly the best achievable in the standard model (i.e., without random oracles) as the online communication complexity must be larger than both nn and mm. The online computational complexity of our scheme is O(n+m)+poly(logC,sec)O(n+m)+\mathsf{poly}(\log |C|, \sec). Previously known standard model adaptively secure garbling schemes had asymptotically worse online cost or relied on exponentially hard computational assumptions

    Symbolic security of garbled circuits

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    We present the first computationally sound symbolic analysis of Yao\u27s garbled circuit construction for secure two party computation. Our results include an extension of the symbolic language for cryptographic expressions from previous work on computationally sound symbolic analysis, and a soundness theorem for this extended language. We then demonstrate how the extended language can be used to formally specify not only the garbled circuit construction, but also the formal (symbolic) simulator required by the definition of security. The correctness of the simulation is proved in a purely syntactical way, within the symbolic model of cryptography, and then translated into a concrete computational indistinguishability statement via our general computational soundness theorem. We also implement our symbolic security framework and the garbling scheme in Haskell, and our experiment shows that the symbolic analysis performs well and can be done within several seconds even for large circuits that are useful for real world applications

    Fast, Compact, and Expressive Attribute-Based Encryption

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    Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is an advanced cryptographic tool and useful to build various types of access control systems. Toward the goal of making ABE more practical, we propose key-policy (KP) and ciphertext-policy (CP) ABE schemes, which first support unbounded sizes of attribute sets and policies with negation and multi-use of attributes, allow fast decryption, and are fully secure under a standard assumption, simultaneously. The proposed schemes are more expressive than previous schemes and efficient enough. We also implement our schemes in 128-bit security level and present their benchmarks for an ordinary personal computer and smartphones. They show that all algorithms run in one second with the personal computer when they handle any policy or attribute set with one hundred attributes

    Adaptive Garbled RAM from Laconic Oblivious Transfer

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    We give a construction of an adaptive garbled RAM scheme. In the adaptive setting, a client first garbles a ``large\u27\u27 persistent database which is stored on a server. Next, the client can provide multiple adaptively and adversarially chosen RAM garbled programs that execute and modify the stored database arbitrarily. The garbled database and the garbled program should reveal nothing more than the running time and the output of the computation. Furthermore, the sizes of the garbled database and the garbled program grow only linearly in the size of the database and the running time of the executed program respectively (up to polylogarithmic factors). The security of our construction is based on the assumption that laconic oblivious transfer (Cho et al., CRYPTO 2017) exists. Previously, such adaptive garbled RAM constructions were only known using indistinguishability obfuscation or in random oracle model. As an additional application, we note that this work yields the first constant round secure computation protocol for persistent RAM programs in the malicious setting from standard assumptions. Prior works did not support persistence in the malicious setting

    (Inner-Product) Functional Encryption with Updatable Ciphertexts

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    We propose a novel variant of functional encryption which supports ciphertext updates, dubbed ciphertext-updatable functional encryption (CUFE). Such a feature further broadens the practical applicability of the functional-encryption paradigm and allows for fine-grained access control even after a ciphertext is generated. Updating ciphertexts is carried out via so-called update tokens which a dedicated party can use to convert ciphertexts. However, allowing update tokens requires some care for the security definition. Our contribution is three-fold: a) We define our new primitive with a security notion in the indistinguishability setting. Within CUFE, functional decryption keys and ciphertexts are labeled with tags such that only if the tags of the decryption key and the ciphertext match, then decryption succeeds. Furthermore, we allow ciphertexts to switch their tags to any other tag via update tokens. Such tokens are generated by the holder of the main secret key and can only be used in the desired direction. b) We present a generic construction of CUFE for any functionality as well as predicates different from equality testing on tags which relies on the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). c) We present a practical construction of CUFE for the inner-product functionality from standard assumptions (i.e., LWE) in the random-oracle model. On the technical level, we build on the recent functional-encryption schemes with fine-grained access control and linear operations on encrypted data (Abdalla et al., AC\u2720) and introduce an additional ciphertext-updatability feature. Proving security for such a construction turned out to be non-trivial, particularly when revealing keys for the updated challenge ciphertext is allowed. Overall, such construction enriches the set of known inner-product functional-encryption schemes with the additional updatability feature of ciphertexts