12 research outputs found

    Bayesian Optimisation for Safe Navigation under Localisation Uncertainty

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    In outdoor environments, mobile robots are required to navigate through terrain with varying characteristics, some of which might significantly affect the integrity of the platform. Ideally, the robot should be able to identify areas that are safe for navigation based on its own percepts about the environment while avoiding damage to itself. Bayesian optimisation (BO) has been successfully applied to the task of learning a model of terrain traversability while guiding the robot through more traversable areas. An issue, however, is that localisation uncertainty can end up guiding the robot to unsafe areas and distort the model being learnt. In this paper, we address this problem and present a novel method that allows BO to consider localisation uncertainty by applying a Gaussian process model for uncertain inputs as a prior. We evaluate the proposed method in simulation and in experiments with a real robot navigating over rough terrain and compare it against standard BO methods.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR 2017

    Robust Bayesian Satisficing

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    Distributional shifts pose a significant challenge to achieving robustness in contemporary machine learning. To overcome this challenge, robust satisficing (RS) seeks a robust solution to an unspecified distributional shift while achieving a utility above a desired threshold. This paper focuses on the problem of RS in contextual Bayesian optimization when there is a discrepancy between the true and reference distributions of the context. We propose a novel robust Bayesian satisficing algorithm called RoBOS for noisy black-box optimization. Our algorithm guarantees sublinear lenient regret under certain assumptions on the amount of distribution shift. In addition, we define a weaker notion of regret called robust satisficing regret, in which our algorithm achieves a sublinear upper bound independent of the amount of distribution shift. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we apply it to various learning problems and compare it to other approaches, such as distributionally robust optimization

    Distributionally Robust Bayesian Optimization

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    Robustness to distributional shift is one of the key challenges of contemporary machine learning. Attaining such robustness is the goal of distributionally robust optimization, which seeks a solution to an optimization problem that is worst-case robust under a specified distributional shift of an uncontrolled covariate. In this paper, we study such a problem when the distributional shift is measured via the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). For the setting of zeroth-order, noisy optimization, we present a novel distributionally robust Bayesian optimization algorithm (DRBO). Our algorithm provably obtains sub-linear robust regret in various settings that differ in how the uncertain covariate is observed. We demonstrate the robust performance of our method on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks.Comment: Accepted at AISTATS 202

    Robust expected improvement for Bayesian optimization

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    Bayesian Optimization (BO) links Gaussian Process (GP) surrogates with sequential design toward optimizing expensive-to-evaluate black-box functions. Example design heuristics, or so-called acquisition functions, like expected improvement (EI), balance exploration and exploitation to furnish global solutions under stringent evaluation budgets. However, they fall short when solving for robust optima, meaning a preference for solutions in a wider domain of attraction. Robust solutions are useful when inputs are imprecisely specified, or where a series of solutions is desired. A common mathematical programming technique in such settings involves an adversarial objective, biasing a local solver away from ``sharp'' troughs. Here we propose a surrogate modeling and active learning technique called robust expected improvement (REI) that ports adversarial methodology into the BO/GP framework. After describing the methods, we illustrate and draw comparisons to several competitors on benchmark synthetic exercises and real problems of varying complexity.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 1 tabl