6 research outputs found

    Bayesian Quadratic Network Game Filters

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    A repeated network game where agents have quadratic utilities that depend on information externalities -- an unknown underlying state -- as well as payoff externalities -- the actions of all other agents in the network -- is considered. Agents play Bayesian Nash Equilibrium strategies with respect to their beliefs on the state of the world and the actions of all other nodes in the network. These beliefs are refined over subsequent stages based on the observed actions of neighboring peers. This paper introduces the Quadratic Network Game (QNG) filter that agents can run locally to update their beliefs, select corresponding optimal actions, and eventually learn a sufficient statistic of the network's state. The QNG filter is demonstrated on a Cournot market competition game and a coordination game to implement navigation of an autonomous team

    Two-Player Incomplete Games of Resilient Multiagent Systems

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    Evolution of agents' dynamics of multiagent systems under consensus protocol in the face of jamming attacks is discussed, where centralized parties are able to influence the control signals of the agents. In this paper we focus on a game-theoretical approach of multiagent systems where the players have incomplete information on their opponents' strength. We consider repeated games with both simultaneous and sequential player actions where players update their beliefs of each other over time. The effect of the players' optimal strategies according to Bayesian Nash Equilibrium and Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium on agents' consensus is examined. It is shown that an attacker with incomplete knowledge may fail to prevent consensus despite having sufficient resources to do so.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted in IFAC-WC 202

    Maximizing Social Welfare and Agreement via Information Design in Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Games

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    We consider linear-quadratic Gaussian (LQG) games in which players have quadratic payoffs that depend on the players' actions and an unknown payoff-relevant state, and signals on the state that follow a Gaussian distribution conditional on the state realization. An information designer decides the fidelity of information revealed to the players in order to maximize the social welfare of the players or reduce the disagreement among players' actions. Leveraging the semi-definiteness of the information design problem, we derive analytical solutions for these objectives under specific LQG games. We show that full information disclosure maximizes social welfare when there is a common payoff-relevant state, when there is strategic substitutability in the actions of players, or when the signals are public. Numerical results show that as strategic substitution increases, the value of the information disclosure increases. When the objective is to induce conformity among players' actions, hiding information is optimal. Lastly, we consider the information design objective that is a weighted combination of social welfare and cohesiveness of players' actions. We obtain an interval for the weights where full information disclosure is optimal under public signals for games with strategic substitutability. Numerical solutions show that the actual interval where full information disclosure is optimal gets close to the analytical interval obtained as substitution increases

    Scalable Learning In Distributed Robot Teams

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    Mobile robots are already in use for mapping, agriculture, entertainment, and the delivery of goods and people. As robotic systems continue to become more affordable, large numbers of mobile robots may be deployed concurrently to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. Practical deployments of very large teams will require scalable algorithms to enable the distributed cooperation of autonomous agents. This thesis focuses on the three main algorithmic obstacles to the scalability of robot teams: coordination, control, and communication. To address these challenges, we design graph-based abstractions that allow us to apply Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).First, a team of robots must continually coordinate to divide up mission requirements among all agents. We focus on the case studies of exploration and coverage to develop a spatial GNN controller that can coordinate a team of dozens of agents as they visit thousands of landmarks. A routing problem of this size is intractable for existing optimization-based approaches. Second, a robot in a team must be able to execute the trajectory that will accomplish its given sub-task. In large teams with high densities of robots, planning and execution of safe, collision-free trajectories requires the joint optimization over all agent trajectories, which may be impractical in large teams. We present two approaches to scalable control: a) a controller for flocking that uses delayed communication formalized via a GNN; and b) an inverse optimal planning method that learns from real air traffic data. Third, robot teams may need to operate in harsh environments without existing communication infrastructure, requiring the formation of ad-hoc networks to exchange information. Many algorithms for control of multi-robot teams operate under the assumption that low-latency, global state information necessary to coordinate agent actions can readily be disseminated among the team. Our approach leverages GNNs to control the connectivity within the ad-hoc network and to provide the data distribution infrastructure necessary for countless multi-robot algorithms. Finally, this thesis develops a framework for distributed learning to be used when centralized information is unavailable during training. Our approach allows robots to train controllers independently and then share their experiences by composing multiple models represented in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

    IEEE Transactions On Signal Processing : Vol. 62, No. 9 - 12, May - June 2014

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    1. Secure beamforming for MIMO Two-Way communications with an untrusted relay. 2. Optimal power allocation for parameter tracking in a distributed amplify-and-forward sensor network. 3. Sparsity-aware shpere decoding: algorithms and complexity analysis. 4. Fourier-based transmit beampattern design using MIMO radar. 5. Stochastic analysis of the LMS and NLMS algorithms for cyclostationary white gaussian inputs. 6. Bayesian quadratic network game filters. Etc