19 research outputs found

    Bayesian Optimal Control of Smoothly Parameterized Systems: The Lazy Posterior Sampling Algorithm

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    We study Bayesian optimal control of a general class of smoothly parameterized Markov decision problems. Since computing the optimal control is computationally expensive, we design an algorithm that trades off performance for computational efficiency. The algorithm is a lazy posterior sampling method that maintains a distribution over the unknown parameter. The algorithm changes its policy only when the variance of the distribution is reduced sufficiently. Importantly, we analyze the algorithm and show the precise nature of the performance vs. computation tradeoff. Finally, we show the effectiveness of the method on a web server control application

    Learning Unknown Markov Decision Processes: A Thompson Sampling Approach

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    We consider the problem of learning an unknown Markov Decision Process (MDP) that is weakly communicating in the infinite horizon setting. We propose a Thompson Sampling-based reinforcement learning algorithm with dynamic episodes (TSDE). At the beginning of each episode, the algorithm generates a sample from the posterior distribution over the unknown model parameters. It then follows the optimal stationary policy for the sampled model for the rest of the episode. The duration of each episode is dynamically determined by two stopping criteria. The first stopping criterion controls the growth rate of episode length. The second stopping criterion happens when the number of visits to any state-action pair is doubled. We establish O~(HSAT)\tilde O(HS\sqrt{AT}) bounds on expected regret under a Bayesian setting, where SS and AA are the sizes of the state and action spaces, TT is time, and HH is the bound of the span. This regret bound matches the best available bound for weakly communicating MDPs. Numerical results show it to perform better than existing algorithms for infinite horizon MDPs.Comment: Accepted to NIPS 201

    Posterior Sampling for Large Scale Reinforcement Learning

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    We propose a practical non-episodic PSRL algorithm that unlike recent state-of-the-art PSRL algorithms uses a deterministic, model-independent episode switching schedule. Our algorithm termed deterministic schedule PSRL (DS-PSRL) is efficient in terms of time, sample, and space complexity. We prove a Bayesian regret bound under mild assumptions. Our result is more generally applicable to multiple parameters and continuous state action problems. We compare our algorithm with state-of-the-art PSRL algorithms on standard discrete and continuous problems from the literature. Finally, we show how the assumptions of our algorithm satisfy a sensible parametrization for a large class of problems in sequential recommendations

    Learning-based Control of Unknown Linear Systems with Thompson Sampling

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    We propose a Thompson sampling-based learning algorithm for the Linear Quadratic (LQ) control problem with unknown system parameters. The algorithm is called Thompson sampling with dynamic episodes (TSDE) where two stopping criteria determine the lengths of the dynamic episodes in Thompson sampling. The first stopping criterion controls the growth rate of episode length. The second stopping criterion is triggered when the determinant of the sample covariance matrix is less than half of the previous value. We show under some conditions on the prior distribution that the expected (Bayesian) regret of TSDE accumulated up to time T is bounded by O(\sqrt{T}). Here O(.) hides constants and logarithmic factors. This is the first O(\sqrt{T} ) bound on expected regret of learning in LQ control. By introducing a reinitialization schedule, we also show that the algorithm is robust to time-varying drift in model parameters. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the performance of TSDE

    Context-Dependent Upper-Confidence Bounds for Directed Exploration

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    Directed exploration strategies for reinforcement learning are critical for learning an optimal policy in a minimal number of interactions with the environment. Many algorithms use optimism to direct exploration, either through visitation estimates or upper confidence bounds, as opposed to data-inefficient strategies like \epsilon-greedy that use random, undirected exploration. Most data-efficient exploration methods require significant computation, typically relying on a learned model to guide exploration. Least-squares methods have the potential to provide some of the data-efficiency benefits of model-based approaches -- because they summarize past interactions -- with the computation closer to that of model-free approaches. In this work, we provide a novel, computationally efficient, incremental exploration strategy, leveraging this property of least-squares temporal difference learning (LSTD). We derive upper confidence bounds on the action-values learned by LSTD, with context-dependent (or state-dependent) noise variance. Such context-dependent noise focuses exploration on a subset of variable states, and allows for reduced exploration in other states. We empirically demonstrate that our algorithm can converge more quickly than other incremental exploration strategies using confidence estimates on action-values.Comment: Neural Information Processing Systems 201

    A Tour of Reinforcement Learning: The View from Continuous Control

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    This manuscript surveys reinforcement learning from the perspective of optimization and control with a focus on continuous control applications. It surveys the general formulation, terminology, and typical experimental implementations of reinforcement learning and reviews competing solution paradigms. In order to compare the relative merits of various techniques, this survey presents a case study of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) with unknown dynamics, perhaps the simplest and best-studied problem in optimal control. The manuscript describes how merging techniques from learning theory and control can provide non-asymptotic characterizations of LQR performance and shows that these characterizations tend to match experimental behavior. In turn, when revisiting more complex applications, many of the observed phenomena in LQR persist. In particular, theory and experiment demonstrate the role and importance of models and the cost of generality in reinforcement learning algorithms. This survey concludes with a discussion of some of the challenges in designing learning systems that safely and reliably interact with complex and uncertain environments and how tools from reinforcement learning and control might be combined to approach these challenges.Comment: minor revision with a few clarifying passages and corrected typo

    Posterior sampling for reinforcement learning: worst-case regret bounds

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    We present an algorithm based on posterior sampling (aka Thompson sampling) that achieves near-optimal worst-case regret bounds when the underlying Markov Decision Process (MDP) is communicating with a finite, though unknown, diameter. Our main result is a high probability regret upper bound of O~(DSAT)\tilde{O}(DS\sqrt{AT}) for any communicating MDP with SS states, AA actions and diameter DD. Here, regret compares the total reward achieved by the algorithm to the total expected reward of an optimal infinite-horizon undiscounted average reward policy, in time horizon TT. This result closely matches the known lower bound of Ω(DSAT)\Omega(\sqrt{DSAT}). Our techniques involve proving some novel results about the anti-concentration of Dirichlet distribution, which may be of independent interest.Comment: This revision fixes an error due to use of some incorrect results (Lemma C.1 and Lemma C.2) in the earlier version. The regret bounds in this version are worse by a factor of sqrt(S) as compared to the previous versio

    Efficient Exploration through Bayesian Deep Q-Networks

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    We study reinforcement learning (RL) in high dimensional episodic Markov decision processes (MDP). We consider value-based RL when the optimal Q-value is a linear function of d-dimensional state-action feature representation. For instance, in deep-Q networks (DQN), the Q-value is a linear function of the feature representation layer (output layer). We propose two algorithms, one based on optimism, LINUCB, and another based on posterior sampling, LINPSRL. We guarantee frequentist and Bayesian regret upper bounds of O(d sqrt{T}) for these two algorithms, where T is the number of episodes. We extend these methods to deep RL and propose Bayesian deep Q-networks (BDQN), which uses an efficient Thompson sampling algorithm for high dimensional RL. We deploy the double DQN (DDQN) approach, and instead of learning the last layer of Q-network using linear regression, we use Bayesian linear regression, resulting in an approximated posterior over Q-function. This allows us to directly incorporate the uncertainty over the Q-function and deploy Thompson sampling on the learned posterior distribution resulting in efficient exploration/exploitation trade-off. We empirically study the behavior of BDQN on a wide range of Atari games. Since BDQN carries out more efficient exploration and exploitation, it is able to reach higher return substantially faster compared to DDQN

    On Online Learning in Kernelized Markov Decision Processes

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    We develop algorithms with low regret for learning episodic Markov decision processes based on kernel approximation techniques. The algorithms are based on both the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) as well as Posterior or Thompson Sampling (PSRL) philosophies, and work in the general setting of continuous state and action spaces when the true unknown transition dynamics are assumed to have smoothness induced by an appropriate Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1805.0805

    Model-Free Linear Quadratic Control via Reduction to Expert Prediction

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    Model-free approaches for reinforcement learning (RL) and continuous control find policies based only on past states and rewards, without fitting a model of the system dynamics. They are appealing as they are general purpose and easy to implement; however, they also come with fewer theoretical guarantees than model-based RL. In this work, we present a new model-free algorithm for controlling linear quadratic (LQ) systems, and show that its regret scales as O(Tξ+2/3)O(T^{\xi+2/3}) for any small ξ>0\xi>0 if time horizon satisfies T>C1/ξT>C^{1/\xi} for a constant CC. The algorithm is based on a reduction of control of Markov decision processes to an expert prediction problem. In practice, it corresponds to a variant of policy iteration with forced exploration, where the policy in each phase is greedy with respect to the average of all previous value functions. This is the first model-free algorithm for adaptive control of LQ systems that provably achieves sublinear regret and has a polynomial computation cost. Empirically, our algorithm dramatically outperforms standard policy iteration, but performs worse than a model-based approach