548 research outputs found

    BOCK : Bayesian Optimization with Cylindrical Kernels

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    A major challenge in Bayesian Optimization is the boundary issue (Swersky, 2017) where an algorithm spends too many evaluations near the boundary of its search space. In this paper, we propose BOCK, Bayesian Optimization with Cylindrical Kernels, whose basic idea is to transform the ball geometry of the search space using a cylindrical transformation. Because of the transformed geometry, the Gaussian Process-based surrogate model spends less budget searching near the boundary, while concentrating its efforts relatively more near the center of the search region, where we expect the solution to be located. We evaluate BOCK extensively, showing that it is not only more accurate and efficient, but it also scales successfully to problems with a dimensionality as high as 500. We show that the better accuracy and scalability of BOCK even allows optimizing modestly sized neural network layers, as well as neural network hyperparameters.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, 1 algorith

    Linear Embedding-based High-dimensional Batch Bayesian Optimization without Reconstruction Mappings

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    The optimization of high-dimensional black-box functions is a challenging problem. When a low-dimensional linear embedding structure can be assumed, existing Bayesian optimization (BO) methods often transform the original problem into optimization in a low-dimensional space. They exploit the low-dimensional structure and reduce the computational burden. However, we reveal that this approach could be limited or inefficient in exploring the high-dimensional space mainly due to the biased reconstruction of the high-dimensional queries from the low-dimensional queries. In this paper, we investigate a simple alternative approach: tackling the problem in the original high-dimensional space using the information from the learned low-dimensional structure. We provide a theoretical analysis of the exploration ability. Furthermore, we show that our method is applicable to batch optimization problems with thousands of dimensions without any computational difficulty. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on high-dimensional benchmarks and a real-world function
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