3,918 research outputs found

    Confidence intervals in stationary autocorrelated time series

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    In this study we examine in covariance stationary time series the consequences of constructing confidence intervals for the population mean using the classical methodology based on the hypothesis of independence. As criteria we use the actual probability the confidence interval of the classical methodology to include the population mean (actual confidence level), and the ratio of the sampling error of the classical methodology over the corresponding actual one leading to equality between actual and nominal confidence levels. These criteria are computed analytically under different sample sizes, and for different autocorrelation structures. For the AR(1) case, we find significant differentiation in the values taken by the two criteria depending upon the structure and the degree of autocorrelation. In the case of MA(1), and especially for positive autocorrelation, we always find actual confidence levels lower than the corresponding nominal ones, while this differentiation between these two levels is much lower compared to the case of AR(1).Covariance stationary time series; Variance of the sample mean; Actual confidence level

    Estimating population means in covariance stationary process

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    In simple random sampling, the basic assumption at the stage of estimating the standard error of the sample mean and constructing the corresponding confidence interval for the population mean is that the observations in the sample must be independent. In a number of cases, however, the validity of this assumption is under question, and as examples we mention the cases of generating dependent quantities in Jackknife estimation, or the evolution through time of a social quantitative indicator in longitudinal studies. For the case of covariance stationary processes, in this paper we explore the consequences of estimating the standard error of the sample mean using however the classical way based on the independence assumption. As criteria we use the degree of bias in estimating the standard error, and the actual confidence level attained by the confidence interval, that is, the actual probability the interval to contain the true mean. These two criteria are computed analytically under different sample sizes in the stationary ARMA(1,1) process, which can generate different forms of autocorrelation structure between observations at different lags.Jackknife estimation; ARMA; Longitudinal data; Actual confidence level

    Byzantine Stochastic Gradient Descent

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    This paper studies the problem of distributed stochastic optimization in an adversarial setting where, out of the mm machines which allegedly compute stochastic gradients every iteration, an α\alpha-fraction are Byzantine, and can behave arbitrarily and adversarially. Our main result is a variant of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) which finds ε\varepsilon-approximate minimizers of convex functions in T=O~(1ε2m+α2ε2)T = \tilde{O}\big( \frac{1}{\varepsilon^2 m} + \frac{\alpha^2}{\varepsilon^2} \big) iterations. In contrast, traditional mini-batch SGD needs T=O(1ε2m)T = O\big( \frac{1}{\varepsilon^2 m} \big) iterations, but cannot tolerate Byzantine failures. Further, we provide a lower bound showing that, up to logarithmic factors, our algorithm is information-theoretically optimal both in terms of sampling complexity and time complexity
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