24,649 research outputs found

    DMT of Multi-hop Cooperative Networks - Part I: Basic Results

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    In this two-part paper, the DMT of cooperative multi-hop networks is examined. The focus is on single-source single-sink (ss-ss) multi-hop relay networks having slow-fading links and relays that potentially possess multiple antennas. The present paper examines the two end-points of the DMT of full-duplex networks. In particular, the maximum achievable diversity of arbitrary multi-terminal wireless networks is shown to be equal to the min-cut. The maximum multiplexing gain of arbitrary full-duplex ss-ss networks is shown to be equal to the min-cut rank, using a new connection to a deterministic network. We also prove some basic results including a proof that the colored noise encountered in AF protocols for cooperative networks can be treated as white noise for DMT computations. The DMT of a parallel channel with independent MIMO links is also computed here. As an application of these basic results, we prove that a linear tradeoff between maximum diversity and maximum multiplexing gain is achievable for full-duplex networks with single antenna nodes. All protocols in this paper are explicit and rely only upon amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. Half duplex networks are studied, and explicit codes for all protocols proposed in both parts, are provided in the companion paper.Comment: This submission is Part-I of a two-part paper, which is a detailed version of the previous submission arXiv:0802.188

    Geometrical Localization Algorithm for 3-D Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient range free localization scheme for large scale three dimensional wireless sensor networks. Our system environment consists of two type of sensors, randomly deployed static sensors and global positioning system equipped moving sensors. These moving anchors travels across the network field and broadcast their current locations on specified intervals. As soon as the sensors which are deployed in random fashion receives three beacon messages (known locations broadcasted by anchors), they computes their locations automatically by using our proposed algorithm. One of our significant contributions is, we use only three different beacon messages to localize one sensor, while in the best of our knowledge, all previously proposed methods use at least four different known locations. The ability of our method to localize by using only three known locations not only saves computation, time, energy, but also reduces the number of anchors needed to be deployed and more importantly reduces the communication overheads. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed scheme improves the overall efficiency of localization process significantly. Important Note: Final version of this paper is accepted and published by Journal of Wireless Personal Communication, Springer : June, 2014 The final version of publication is available at link.springer.com Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007\%2Fs11277-014-1852-6Comment: Journal of Wireless Personal Communication, Springer : June, 2014, The final version of publication is available at link.springer.com Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11277-014-1852-

    How Much of Wireless Rate Can Smartphones Support in 5G Networks?

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    Due to the higher wireless transmission rates in the fifth generation (5G) cellular networks, higher computation overhead is incurred in smartphones, which can cause the wireless transmission rates to be limited by the computation capability of wireless terminals. In this case, is there a maximum receiving rate for smartphones to maintain stable wireless communications in 5G cellular networks? The main objective of this article is to investigate the maximum receiving rate of smartphones and its influence on 5G cellular networks. Based on Landauer's principle and the safe temperature bound on the smartphone surface, a maximum receiving rate of the smartphone is proposed for 5G cellular networks. Moreover, the impact of the maximum receiving rate of smartphones on the link adaptive transmission schemes has been investigated. Numerical analyses imply that the maximum receiving rate of smartphones cannot always catch up with the downlink rates of future 5G cellular networks. Therefore, the link adaptive transmission scheme for future 5G cellular networks has to take the maximum receiving rate of smartphones into account

    Grid-based Network Architecture for Distributed Computation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used to perform distributed sensing in various fields, such as health, military, home etc. In WSNs, sensor nodes should communicate among themselves and do distributed computation over the sensed values to identify the occurrence of an event. This paper assumes the no memory computation model for sensor nodes, i.e. the sensor nodes only have two registers. This paper presents an optimal architecture for the distributed computation in WSN and also claims that this architecture is the optimal for the described computation model

    An imporved decentralized approach for tracking multiple mobile targets through ZigBee WSNs

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    Target localization and tracking problems in WSNs have received considerable attention recently, driven by the requirement to achieve high localization accuracy, with the minimum cost possible. In WSN based tracking applications, it is critical to know the current location of any sensor node with the minimum energy consumed. This paper focuses on the energy consumption issue in terms of communication between nodes whenever the localization information is transmitted to a sink node. Tracking through WSNs can be categorized into centralized and decentralized systems. Decentralized systems offer low power consumption when deployed to track a small number of mobile targets compared to the centralized tracking systems. However, in several applications, it is essential to position a large number of mobile targets. In such applications, decentralized systems offer high power consumption, since the location of each mobile target is required to be transmitted to a sink node, and this increases the power consumption for the whole WSN. In this paper, we propose a power efficient decentralized approach for tracking a large number of mobile targets while offering reasonable localization accuracy through ZigBee network.Comment: 16 page

    Organizing the Aggregate: Languages for Spatial Computing

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    As the number of computing devices embedded into engineered systems continues to rise, there is a widening gap between the needs of the user to control aggregates of devices and the complex technology of individual devices. Spatial computing attempts to bridge this gap for systems with local communication by exploiting the connection between physical locality and device connectivity. A large number of spatial computing domain specific languages (DSLs) have emerged across diverse domains, from biology and reconfigurable computing, to sensor networks and agent-based systems. In this chapter, we develop a framework for analyzing and comparing spatial computing DSLs, survey the current state of the art, and provide a roadmap for future spatial computing DSL investigation.Comment: 60 pages; Review chapter to appear as a chapter in book "Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments

    STAC: Simultaneous Transmitting and Air Computing in Wireless Data Center Networks

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    The data center network (DCN), wired or wireless, features large amounts of Many-to-One (M2O) sessions. Each M2O session is currently operated based on Point-to-Point (P2P) communications and Store-and-Forward (SAF) relays, and is generally followed by certain further computation at the destination. %typically a weighted summation of the received digits. Different from this separate P2P/SAF-based-transmission and computation strategy, this paper proposes STAC, a novel physical layer scheme that achieves Simultaneous Transmission and Air Computation in wireless DCNs. In particular, STAC takes advantage of the superposition nature of electromagnetic (EM) waves, and allows multiple transmitters to transmit in the same time slot with appropriately chosen parameters, such that the received superimposed signal can be directly transformed to the needed summation at the receiver. Exploiting the static channel environment and compact space in DCN, we propose an enhanced Software Defined Network (SDN) architecture to enable STAC, where wired connections are established to provide the wireless transceivers external reference signals. Theoretical analysis and simulation show that with STAC used, both the bandwidth and energy efficiencies can be improved severalfold

    TEDS: A Trusted Entropy and Dempster Shafer Mechanism for Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have emerged as a key technology for the next generation of wireless networking due to its self-forming, self-organizing and self-healing properties. However, due to the multi-hop nature of communications in WMN, we cannot assume that all nodes in the network are cooperative. Nodes may drop all of the data packets they received to mount a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. In this paper, we proposed a lightweight trust detection mechanism called Trusted Entropy and Dempster Shafer (TEDS) to mitigate the effects of blackhole attacks. This novel idea combines entropy function and Dempster Shafer belief theory to derive a trust rating for a node. If the trust rating of a node is less than a threshold, it will be blacklisted and isolated from the network. In this way, the network can be assured of a secure end to end path free of malicious nodes for data forwarding. Our proposed idea has been extensively tested in simulation using network simulator NS-3 and simulation results show that we are able to improve the packet delivery ratio with slight increase in normalized routing overhead

    Opportunistic Routing with Congestion Diversity in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks

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    We consider the problem of routing packets across a multi-hop network consisting of multiple sources of traffic and wireless links while ensuring bounded expected delay. Each packet transmission can be overheard by a random subset of receiver nodes among which the next relay is selected opportunistically. The main challenge in the design of minimum-delay routing policies is balancing the trade-off between routing the packets along the shortest paths to the destination and distributing traffic according to the maximum backpressure. Combining important aspects of shortest path and backpressure routing, this paper provides a systematic development of a distributed opportunistic routing policy with congestion diversity ({D-ORCD}). {D-ORCD} uses a measure of draining time to opportunistically identify and route packets along the paths with an expected low overall congestion. {D-ORCD} is proved to ensure a bounded expected delay for all networks and under any admissible traffic. Furthermore, this paper proposes a practical implementation which empirically optimizes critical algorithm parameters and their effects on delay as well as protocol overhead. Realistic Qualnet simulations for 802.11-based networks demonstrate a significant improvement in the average delay over comparative solutions in the literature. %Finally, various practical modifications to {D-ORCD} are proposed and their performance are evaluated

    Achieving Congestion Diversity in Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks

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    This paper reports on the first systematic study of congestion-aware routing algorithms for wireless mesh networks to achieve an improved end-end delay performance. In particular, we compare 802.11 compatible implementations of a set of congestion-aware routing protocols against our implementation of state of the art shortest path routing protocol (SRCR). We implement congestion-aware routing algorithms Backpressure (BP), Enhanced-Backpressure (E-BP) adapted from [1], [2] suitably adjusted for 802.11 implementation. We then propose and implement Congestion Diversity Protocol (CDP) adapted from [3] recognizing the limitations of BP and E-BP for 802.11-based wireless networks. SRCR solely utilizes link qualities, while BP relies on queue differential to route packets. CDP and E-BP rely on distance metrics which take into account queue backlogs and link qualities in the network. E-BP computes its metric by summing the ETX and queue differential, while CDP determines its metric by calculating the least draining time to the destination. Our small testbed consisting of twelve 802.11g nodes enables us to empirically compare the performance of congestion-aware routing protocols (BP, E-BP and CDP) against benchmark SRCR. For medium to high load UDP traffic, we observe that CDP exhibits significant improvement with respect to both end-end delay and throughput over other protocols with no loss of performance for TCP traffic. Backpressure-based routing algorithms (BP and E-BP) show poorer performance for UDP and TCP traffic. Finally, we carefully study the effects of the modular approach to congestion-aware routing design in which the MAC layer is left intac
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