9 research outputs found

    Baselines and test data for cross-lingual inference

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    The recent years have seen a revival of interest in textual entailment, sparked by i) the emergence of powerful deep neural network learners for natural language processing and ii) the timely development of large-scale evaluation datasets such as SNLI. Recast as natural language inference, the problem now amounts to detecting the relation between pairs of statements: they either contradict or entail one another, or they are mutually neutral. Current research in natural language inference is effectively exclusive to English. In this paper, we propose to advance the research in SNLI-style natural language inference toward multilingual evaluation. To that end, we provide test data for four major languages: Arabic, French, Spanish, and Russian. We experiment with a set of baselines. Our systems are based on cross-lingual word embeddings and machine translation. While our best system scores an average accuracy of just over 75%, we focus largely on enabling further research in multilingual inference.Comment: To appear at LREC 201

    Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer with Meta Learning

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    Learning what to share between tasks has been a topic of great importance recently, as strategic sharing of knowledge has been shown to improve downstream task performance. This is particularly important for multilingual applications, as most languages in the world are under-resourced. Here, we consider the setting of training models on multiple different languages at the same time, when little or no data is available for languages other than English. We show that this challenging setup can be approached using meta-learning, where, in addition to training a source language model, another model learns to select which training instances are the most beneficial to the first. We experiment using standard supervised, zero-shot cross-lingual, as well as few-shot cross-lingual settings for different natural language understanding tasks (natural language inference, question answering). Our extensive experimental setup demonstrates the consistent effectiveness of meta-learning for a total of 15 languages. We improve upon the state-of-the-art for zero-shot and few-shot NLI (on MultiNLI and XNLI) and QA (on the MLQA dataset). A comprehensive error analysis indicates that the correlation of typological features between languages can partly explain when parameter sharing learned via meta-learning is beneficial.Comment: Accepted as long paper in EMNLP2020 main conferenc

    ERNIE-UniX2: A Unified Cross-lingual Cross-modal Framework for Understanding and Generation

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    Recent cross-lingual cross-modal works attempt to extend Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models to non-English inputs and achieve impressive performance. However, these models focus only on understanding tasks utilizing encoder-only architecture. In this paper, we propose ERNIE-UniX2, a unified cross-lingual cross-modal pre-training framework for both generation and understanding tasks. ERNIE-UniX2 integrates multiple pre-training paradigms (e.g., contrastive learning and language modeling) based on encoder-decoder architecture and attempts to learn a better joint representation across languages and modalities. Furthermore, ERNIE-UniX2 can be seamlessly fine-tuned for varieties of generation and understanding downstream tasks. Pre-trained on both multilingual text-only and image-text datasets, ERNIE-UniX2 achieves SOTA results on various cross-lingual cross-modal generation and understanding tasks such as multimodal machine translation and multilingual visual question answering.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure