41 research outputs found

    Concurrent Modified Constant Modulus Algorithm and Decision Directed Scheme With Barzilai-Borwein Method

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    At present, in robot technology, remote control of robot is realized by wireless communication technology, and data anti-interference in wireless channel becomes a very important part. Any wireless communication system has an inherent multi-path propagation problem, which leads to the expansion of generated symbols on a time scale, resulting in symbol overlap and Inter-symbol Interference (ISI). ISI in the signal must be removed and the signal restores to its original state at the time of transmission or becomes as close to it as possible. Blind equalization is a popular equalization method for recovering transmitted symbols of superimposed noise without any pilot signal. In this work, we propose a concurrent modified constant modulus algorithm (MCMA) and the decision-directed scheme (DDS) with the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) method for the purpose of blind equalization of wireless communications systems (WCS). The BB method, which is two-step gradient method, has been widely employed to solve multidimensional unconstrained optimization problems. Considering the similarity of equalization process and optimization process, the proposed algorithm combines existing blind equalization algorithm and Barzilai-Borwein method, and concurrently operates a MCMA equalizer and a DD equalizer. After that, it modifies the DD equalizer's step size (SS) by the BB method. Theoretical investigation was involved and it demonstrated rapid convergence and improved equalization performance of the proposed algorithm compared with the original one. Additionally, the simulation results were consistent with the proposed technique

    Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient for affine rank minimization problem

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    We develop an efficient stochastic variance reduced gradient descent algorithm to solve the affine rank minimization problem consists of finding a matrix of minimum rank from linear measurements. The proposed algorithm as a stochastic gradient descent strategy enjoys a more favorable complexity than full gradients. It also reduces the variance of the stochastic gradient at each iteration and accelerate the rate of convergence. We prove that the proposed algorithm converges linearly in expectation to the solution under a restricted isometry condition. The numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm has a clearly advantageous balance of efficiency, adaptivity, and accuracy compared with other state-of-the-art greedy algorithms