3 research outputs found

    Enhancing Classroom Instruction with Online News

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    Purpose Investigate how school teachers look for informational texts for their classrooms. Access to current, varied, and authentic informational texts improves learning outcomes for K-12 students, but many teachers lack resources to expand and update readings. The Web offers freely-available resources, but finding suitable ones is time-consuming. This research lays the groundwork for building tools to ease that burden. Methodology This paper reports qualitative findings from a study in two stages: (1) a set of semi-structured interviews, based on the Critical Incident Technique, eliciting teachers’ information-seeking practices and challenges; and (2) observations of teachers using a prototype teaching-oriented news search tool under a think-aloud protocol. Findings Teachers articulated different objectives and ways of using readings in their classrooms; goals and self-reported practices varied by experience level. Teachers struggled to formulate queries that are likely to return readings on specific course topics, instead searching directly for abstract topics. Experience differences did not translate into observable differences in search skill or success in the lab study. Originality and Value There is limited work on teachers’ information-seeking practices, particularly on how teachers look for texts for classroom use. This paper describes how teachers look for information in this context, setting the stage for future development and research on how to support this use case. Understanding and supporting teachers looking for information is a rich area for future research, due to the complexity of the information need and the fact that teachers are not looking for information for themselves

    Balancing relevance criteria through multi-objective optimization

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    Offline evaluation of information retrieval systems typically focuses on a single effectiveness measure that models the utility for a typical user. Such a measure usually combines a behavior-based rank discount with a notion of document utility that captures the single relevance criterion of topicality. However, for individual users relevance criteria such as credibility, reputability or readability can strongly impact the utility. Also, for different information needs the utility can be a different mixture of these criteria. Because of the focus on single metrics, offline optimization of IR systems does not account for different preferences in balancing relevance criteria. We propose to mitigate this by viewing multiple relevance criteria as objectives and learning a set of rankers that provide different trade-offs w.r.t. these objectives. We model document utility within a gain-based evaluation framework as a weighted combination of relevance criteria. Using the learned set, we are able to make an informed decision based on the values of the rankers and a preference w.r.t. the relevance criteria. On a dataset annotated for readability and a web search dataset annotated for sub-topic relevance we demonstrate how trade-offs between can be made explicit. We show that there are different available trade-offs between relevance criteria