2 research outputs found

    Balancing Efficiency and Flexibility for DNN Acceleration via Temporal GPU-Systolic Array Integration

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    The research interest in specialized hardware accelerators for deep neural networks (DNN) spikes recently owing to their superior performance and efficiency. However, today's DNN accelerators primarily focus on accelerating specific "kernels" such as convolution and matrix multiplication, which are vital but only part of an end-to-end DNN-enabled application. Meaningful speedups over the entire application often require supporting computations that are, while massively parallel, ill-suited to DNN accelerators. Integrating a general-purpose processor such as a CPU or a GPU incurs significant data movement overhead and leads to resource under-utilization on the DNN accelerators. We propose Simultaneous Multi-mode Architecture (SMA), a novel architecture design and execution model that offers general-purpose programmability on DNN accelerators in order to accelerate end-to-end applications. The key to SMA is the temporal integration of the systolic execution model with the GPU-like SIMD execution model. The SMA exploits the common components shared between the systolic-array accelerator and the GPU, and provides lightweight reconfiguration capability to switch between the two modes in-situ. The SMA achieves up to 63% performance improvement while consuming 23% less energy than the baseline Volta architecture with TensorCore.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, DAC 202

    Accelerating Sparse DNN Models without Hardware-Support via Tile-Wise Sparsity

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    Network pruning can reduce the high computation cost of deep neural network (DNN) models. However, to maintain their accuracies, sparse models often carry randomly-distributed weights, leading to irregular computations. Consequently, sparse models cannot achieve meaningful speedup on commodity hardware (e.g., GPU) built for dense matrix computations. As such, prior works usually modify or design completely new sparsity-optimized architectures for exploiting sparsity. We propose an algorithm-software co-designed pruning method that achieves latency speedups on existing dense architectures. Our work builds upon the insight that the matrix multiplication generally breaks the large matrix into multiple smaller tiles for parallel execution. We propose a tiling-friendly "tile-wise" sparsity pattern, which maintains a regular pattern at the tile level for efficient execution but allows for irregular, arbitrary pruning at the global scale to maintain the high accuracy. We implement and evaluate the sparsity pattern on GPU tensor core, achieving a 1.95x speedup over the dense model.Comment: 12pages, ACM/IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC20