4,861 research outputs found

    Practical Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Stock Trading

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    Stock trading strategy plays a crucial role in investment companies. However, it is challenging to obtain optimal strategy in the complex and dynamic stock market. We explore the potential of deep reinforcement learning to optimize stock trading strategy and thus maximize investment return. 30 stocks are selected as our trading stocks and their daily prices are used as the training and trading market environment. We train a deep reinforcement learning agent and obtain an adaptive trading strategy. The agent's performance is evaluated and compared with Dow Jones Industrial Average and the traditional min-variance portfolio allocation strategy. The proposed deep reinforcement learning approach is shown to outperform the two baselines in terms of both the Sharpe ratio and cumulative returns

    Counterfactual Explanation for Fairness in Recommendation

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    Fairness-aware recommendation eliminates discrimination issues to build trustworthy recommendation systems.Explaining the causes of unfair recommendations is critical, as it promotes fairness diagnostics, and thus secures users' trust in recommendation models. Existing fairness explanation methods suffer high computation burdens due to the large-scale search space and the greedy nature of the explanation search process. Besides, they perform score-based optimizations with continuous values, which are not applicable to discrete attributes such as gender and race. In this work, we adopt the novel paradigm of counterfactual explanation from causal inference to explore how minimal alterations in explanations change model fairness, to abandon the greedy search for explanations. We use real-world attributes from Heterogeneous Information Networks (HINs) to empower counterfactual reasoning on discrete attributes. We propose a novel Counterfactual Explanation for Fairness (CFairER) that generates attribute-level counterfactual explanations from HINs for recommendation fairness. Our CFairER conducts off-policy reinforcement learning to seek high-quality counterfactual explanations, with an attentive action pruning reducing the search space of candidate counterfactuals. The counterfactual explanations help to provide rational and proximate explanations for model fairness, while the attentive action pruning narrows the search space of attributes. Extensive experiments demonstrate our proposed model can generate faithful explanations while maintaining favorable recommendation performance

    Search-Based Fairness Testing: An Overview

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has demonstrated remarkable capabilities in domains such as recruitment, finance, healthcare, and the judiciary. However, biases in AI systems raise ethical and societal concerns, emphasizing the need for effective fairness testing methods. This paper reviews current research on fairness testing, particularly its application through search-based testing. Our analysis highlights progress and identifies areas of improvement in addressing AI systems biases. Future research should focus on leveraging established search-based testing methodologies for fairness testing.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO 2023), Langkawi Island, Malaysia, pp. 89-94, October 202

    Understanding or Manipulation: Rethinking Online Performance Gains of Modern Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems are expected to be assistants that help human users find relevant information automatically without explicit queries. As recommender systems evolve, increasingly sophisticated learning techniques are applied and have achieved better performance in terms of user engagement metrics such as clicks and browsing time. The increase in the measured performance, however, can have two possible attributions: a better understanding of user preferences, and a more proactive ability to utilize human bounded rationality to seduce user over-consumption. A natural following question is whether current recommendation algorithms are manipulating user preferences. If so, can we measure the manipulation level? In this paper, we present a general framework for benchmarking the degree of manipulations of recommendation algorithms, in both slate recommendation and sequential recommendation scenarios. The framework consists of four stages, initial preference calculation, training data collection, algorithm training and interaction, and metrics calculation that involves two proposed metrics. We benchmark some representative recommendation algorithms in both synthetic and real-world datasets under the proposed framework. We have observed that a high online click-through rate does not necessarily mean a better understanding of user initial preference, but ends in prompting users to choose more documents they initially did not favor. Moreover, we find that the training data have notable impacts on the manipulation degrees, and algorithms with more powerful modeling abilities are more sensitive to such impacts. The experiments also verified the usefulness of the proposed metrics for measuring the degree of manipulations. We advocate that future recommendation algorithm studies should be treated as an optimization problem with constrained user preference manipulations.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, ACM Transactions on Information System

    Looks Can Be Deceiving: Linking User-Item Interactions and User's Propensity Towards Multi-Objective Recommendations

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    Multi-objective recommender systems (MORS) provide suggestions to users according to multiple (and possibly conflicting) goals. When a system optimizes its results at the individual-user level, it tailors them on a user's propensity towards the different objectives. Hence, the capability to understand users' fine-grained needs towards each goal is crucial. In this paper, we present the results of a user study in which we monitored the way users interacted with recommended items, as well as their self-proclaimed propensities towards relevance, novelty and diversity objectives. The study was divided into several sessions, where users evaluated recommendation lists originating from a relevance-only single-objective baseline as well as MORS. We show that despite MORS-based recommendations attracted less selections, its presence in the early sessions is crucial for users' satisfaction in the later stages. Surprisingly, the self-proclaimed willingness of users to interact with novel and diverse items is not always reflected in the recommendations they accept. Post-study questionnaires provide insights on how to deal with this matter, suggesting that MORS-based results should be accompanied by elements that allow users to understand the recommendations, so as to facilitate their acceptance.Comment: Accepted as a short paper at ACM RecSys 2023 conference. See https://doi.org/10.1145/3604915.360884