994 research outputs found

    Repairable Block Failure Resilient Codes

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    In large scale distributed storage systems (DSS) deployed in cloud computing, correlated failures resulting in simultaneous failure (or, unavailability) of blocks of nodes are common. In such scenarios, the stored data or a content of a failed node can only be reconstructed from the available live nodes belonging to available blocks. To analyze the resilience of the system against such block failures, this work introduces the framework of Block Failure Resilient (BFR) codes, wherein the data (e.g., file in DSS) can be decoded by reading out from a same number of codeword symbols (nodes) from each available blocks of the underlying codeword. Further, repairable BFR codes are introduced, wherein any codeword symbol in a failed block can be repaired by contacting to remaining blocks in the system. Motivated from regenerating codes, file size bounds for repairable BFR codes are derived, trade-off between per node storage and repair bandwidth is analyzed, and BFR-MSR and BFR-MBR points are derived. Explicit codes achieving these two operating points for a wide set of parameters are constructed by utilizing combinatorial designs, wherein the codewords of the underlying outer codes are distributed to BFR codeword symbols according to projective planes

    Coding with Constraints: Minimum Distance Bounds and Systematic Constructions

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    We examine an error-correcting coding framework in which each coded symbol is constrained to be a function of a fixed subset of the message symbols. With an eye toward distributed storage applications, we seek to design systematic codes with good minimum distance that can be decoded efficiently. On this note, we provide theoretical bounds on the minimum distance of such a code based on the coded symbol constraints. We refine these bounds in the case where we demand a systematic linear code. Finally, we provide conditions under which each of these bounds can be achieved by choosing our code to be a subcode of a Reed-Solomon code, allowing for efficient decoding. This problem has been considered in multisource multicast network error correction. The problem setup is also reminiscent of locally repairable codes.Comment: Submitted to ISIT 201
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